Funding opportunity

Funding opportunity: NERC centre for doctoral training: open funding opportunity

Apply for funding to deliver a NERC centre for doctoral training (CDT) to address priority or emerging training needs within the environmental sciences.

Applications must be centred within NERC’s remit but interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary CDTs extending more widely across the breadth of UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) are welcome.

NERC funding is available to support three CDTs each in receipt of 24 notional studentships across three annual intakes.

These challenge-led CDTs will produce the next generation of internationally recognised doctoral researchers with each CDT supporting PhD studentships, creating a community aimed at addressing a specific research challenge and related skills gap. Applications must identify the challenge of focus for the CDT and justify the specific need for doctoral training in this area.

You can apply if you are employed by an organisation eligible for UKRI research grant funding.

Organisations may only be the administrative lead on one application

Organisations that are not eligible for funding may act as collaborative partners.

Who can apply

This funding opportunity is open to applicants based at organisations that are eligible for UKRI research grant funding. This includes:

  • higher education institutions
  • research council institutes
  • eligible independent research organisations and Catapult centres
  • public sector research establishments (PSREs)

Check if you are eligible for research and innovation funding.

Organisations that are not eligible for UKRI research grant funding may act as collaborative partners. Information regarding the nature of this collaboration must be included within the application.

PSREs wishing to be involved in an application are required to choose whether they wish to do so either as a hosting partner or CASE partner. An organisation cannot perform both roles within one application.

Each CDT must include an accredited higher education PhD awarding body.

Hosting partners

These are organisations that:

  • are eligible for UKRI funding
  • will provide the principal base (host) for students during the tenure of the award

The application should identify one of the hosting partners as the administrative lead partner (the administrative lead does not have to be a higher education doctorate award-making body).

Identification of the administrative lead should not be interpreted as recognition of a dominant partner which will host the majority of studentships.

Collaborative partners

These are organisations that are one of the following:

  • not eligible for UKRI funding
  • eligible for UKRI funding but will not provide the principal base (host) for students during the award

Collaborative partners provide additional benefits to the students’ experience, such as:

  • real-world experience
  • training
  • equipment
  • facilities
  • understanding
  • opportunity

Demand management

As this is the first time NERC has run a funding opportunity of this type, we expect it to be competitive therefore we encourage you to think carefully about the challenge-areas you submit, ensuring they meet the full criteria for the funding opportunity. We expect approximately 10 applications to be invited to the full application stage.

Organisations eligible for NERC funding can only act as administrative lead for one application submitted to this funding opportunity.

If more than one application is received from an organisation wishing to act as administrative lead, the first application received will be accepted for assessment. The remaining applications will be automatically office rejected.

Equality, diversity and inclusion

NERC is committed to achieving equity of opportunity for all funding applicants. We encourage applications from a diverse range of researchers.

We support people to work in a way that suits their personal circumstances. This includes:

  • career breaks
  • support for people with caring responsibilities
  • flexible working
  • alternative working patterns

Find out more about equality, diversity and inclusion at UKRI and NERC’s diversity and inclusion action plan.

What we're looking for

Centres for doctoral training

NERC is seeking to invest in three new CDTs. These challenge-led CDTs will produce the next generation of internationally recognised doctoral researchers with each CDT supporting PhD studentships, creating a community aimed at addressing a specific research challenge and related skills gap.

There is funding for each of the three CDTs to receive 24 notional studentships over the course of three annual intakes.

Applications must identify the challenge of focus for the CDT and justify the specific need for doctoral training in this area.

The CDT model is designed to support a translational approach by encouraging academic and non-academic partners to unite around common challenges.

It is expected that the CDT should integrate end-user involvement in developing and delivering the training required. An expectation is that this funding will be used to leverage additional investment (either cash or in-kind support) from stakeholders where appropriate.

Applications must be centred within NERC’s remit but interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary CDTs extending more widely across the breadth of UKRI are welcome.

Training remit

Training provided by the CDT should be:

Training delivered by these CDTs may build on existing training infrastructure where applicable, and engagement with other relevant research council CDTs and Doctoral Training Partnerships (DTPs) and their end-user networks is encouraged.

Applications must outline a coherent training programme through which students will both undertake individual research projects and receive cohort-level training, in cross-cutting skills relevant to the CDT’s challenge area.

Other training requirements

In addition to the above, there are a number of transferable professional, technical and personal development training requirements that must be delivered by the CDTs funded through this funding opportunity:

  • access for all CDT students to placements, internships or other relevant work experience opportunities (this includes UKRI policy internships). This does not mean that all students must complete a placement, but that these opportunities must be available to all, and training programmes should be designed with the flexibility to enable students to undertake such work experience opportunities if they wish to do so
  • explicit careers training and continuous professional development relevant to both academic and non-academic career trajectories. Careers training must take place suitably early in students’ training to enable it to inform their choice of training opportunities
  • strong end-user involvement with all levels of CDT training
  • dedicated professional skills, and innovation or translation training available to all CDT students
  • access for all students to appropriate data skills training
  • opportunities to network across DTP, CDT and research council cohorts and gain multidisciplinary perspectives
  • training need analysis or equivalent for all students at the outset of training, and the opportunity to discuss individual training requirements throughout their doctorate
  • discussion of training needs and available opportunities, these should take place in discussion with end-users as appropriate and be placed within the context of potential future careers
  • clear guidance and training on mental health awareness as part of CDT induction process for staff and students outlining how to access support for mental health issues encountered during the PhD

It is important to show how this will be implemented and managed by the CDT across hosting partner institutions.

Funding opportunity requirements

Capability to deliver

You must provide evidence within your application that you offer sufficient high quality research capacity to deliver training in challenge area of your proposed CDT. You should also justify your choice of partnership which can include international collaborative partners as appropriate to deliver the objectives of the training programme.

While research capability is an important aspect of a successful CDT, the assessment process will balance this against the full assessment criteria for the funding opportunity.

Collaboration with end-users and non-HEI partners

Collaboration with a variety of non-higher education institution (HEI) partners is vital for:

  • delivery of excellent multidisciplinary training
  • framing research questions to ensure production of research outputs with real-world applications of direct relevance and use to the environmental science community as a whole

Applications must be for challenge-led CDTs and therefore collaboration with end-users and other non-HEI partners should form a significant part of the CDT’s training programme, at both the design and delivery stage.

Successful applications will demonstrate clearly how students will benefit from engagement with multiple types of organisations, on both an individual and cohort level, via a variety of mechanisms.

Applications must evidence a track record of collaborative working and describe a coherent strategy for engaging with multiple stakeholders.

An expectation of the CDT is that NERC funding will be used to leverage additional investment (either cash or in-kind support) from multiple stakeholders.

In addition, you should:

  • ensure that a number of studentships offered by the CDT are CASE or ‘collaborative’ studentships (see the ‘CASE studentships’ section)
  • embed collaboration with end-users through mechanisms in addition to CASE (for example, placements, training courses or site visits) for all doctoral students within their wider training programme

You must demonstrate clearly within your application how this will be achieved.

CASE studentships

The CDT must ensure that a minimum of 25% of the notional studentships, are delivered as formal CASE studentships. It is important that this requirement is adhered to, and compliance will be monitored via reporting processes. You must demonstrate in your application the mechanisms you will use to ensure the CASE conversion requirement is met.

CASE studentships must be delivered in collaboration with non-academic partners from industry, business, public and the third or civil sectors. Organisations eligible to receive NERC research funding will not be eligible to act as a CASE partner. This includes research institutes, independent research organisations (IROs) and Catapult centres.

Check eligible research institutes, IROs  and Catapult centres.

As an exception to the above, public sector research establishments (PSREs) are eligible to act as CASE partners for NERC studentships. As already noted, PSREs wishing to be involved in an application are required to choose whether they wish to do so as either a hosting partner or a CASE partner.

Collaborative (non-CASE) studentships

In addition to CASE studentships, any number of CDT studentships may be ‘collaborative’ (in other words have no formal partnership requirements or project partners not eligible to be CASE partners).

These collaborative studentships will also be monitored and recorded through reporting processes and will be formally recognised by NERC as a success metric as part of its ongoing monitoring of CDT performance.

Applications must describe how such collaborative relationships will be developed and maintained, and the benefits they will provide to students’ training.


The CDT must have strong leadership and management. It should have both a lead operational manager and steering committee or management board.

The steering committee or management board should be comprised of all hosting CDT partners and must also have representation from relevant end-user organisations.

It will have overall responsibility for the effective governance of the CDT and its relationship with NERC and provide a strategic needs framework to aid the prioritisation and development of PhD projects.

The CDT must demonstrate that robust and transparent governance arrangements will be in place from the outset of the CDT, which may include the development of formal partnership agreements, communication plans and systems for monitoring the CDT’s overall progress and success.

You are strongly encouraged to incorporate CDT students into the management and running of activities within the CDT. Where appropriate, formal partnership agreements must be in place ahead of the start of the first student cohort.

The CDT must also commit adequate support for appropriate administrative resource, and proposals must be explicit about how administrative structures will be managed and funded.

Equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI)

We must ensure that we support the most talented students whatever their background and regardless of where and when they undertook their first degree.

To ensure that this happens, NERC requires that EDI principles are embedded at all levels and in all aspects of research and training practice in the successful CDTs. You should refer to NERC’s best practice principles in recruitment and training at doctoral level. The successful CDTs will be expected to implement these best practice principles.

NERC expects you to think imaginatively and demonstrate in your proposal your strategy for EDI to enable wide participation and promote postgraduate research to a diverse base of talented graduate students. In particular, consideration should be given to training programme flexibility and the ability to address individual students’ needs.

The successful CDTs’ strategies and commitments in this area will be reviewed regularly as part of NERC’s reporting and monitoring programme and NERC will seek to collect information on characteristics of the student population accordingly from the successful CDTs.

Read about UKRI’s work on EDI.


NERC will award eight notional studentships a year for three years, to each of the successful CDTs.

A notional studentship consists of sufficient funds to meet the annual research council minimum stipend and fee levels, plus additional research and management costs as outlined below, for four full years of doctoral study.

It is expected that individual students will undertake training over a variety of timeframes (between three and four years as appropriate, depending on the discipline, project and the student’s experience and knowledge).

The indicative funding per notional studentship is provided below. The student stipend and fees are indicative estimates only, based on the 2022 to 2023 research council minima multiplied by four, and excluding London allowance (at the time of award, stipend and fees will be indexed to accommodate rises in the minimum stipend and fees levels over the lifetime of the award).

The research training support grant (RTSG) and management costs are fixed:

  • student stipend: £70,672
  • fees: £18,384
  • research training support grant: £11,000
  • management costs: £1,500
  • total: £101,556

CDTs will have flexibility in how they use the funding awarded (subject to the normal UKRI terms and conditions of training grants), as long as the minimum numbers of students are supported each year (the minimum being the number of notional studentships allocated by NERC).

Read about meeting UKRI terms and conditions for funding.

Given the flexibility in use of funding, it will be possible for CDTs to use the training grant to support more than the minimum number of students each year.

This could be achieved by having students undertake training over a variety of timeframes and by co-funding students from other sources. Students must be funded at least 50% by a NERC training grant to be classed as a NERC student.

It is strongly recommended that, wherever possible, co-funding from non-research council sources is used to part-fund NERC students (rather than wholly fund individual students) so that all CDT students have equal access to the opportunities available to research council-funded students and can be registered on Je-S (with NERC, UKRI) for reporting purposes.

In situations where it is not possible to part-fund students, the CDT must ensure suitable measures are in place to ensure those students’ training experiences are comparable to NERC students’, and all relevant data are provided to NERC outside Je-S.

Implementation and delivery

Each CDT award will provide funding for three years of new student intake. This is six years of funding in total, from the start of academic year 2024 to 2025.

Legacy and impact

CDTs are supported with the intention of developing a legacy of training excellence. Full applications must demonstrate consideration of the legacy and impacts of the CDT beyond the lifetime of NERC investment.

Data management

It is NERC policy to increase the visibility and awareness of environmental data and to improve their management as a resource.

The CDTs funded through this funding opportunity should therefore ensure that relevant NERC environmental data centres are aware of significant datasets generated, or to be compiled, under the award so that their long-term stewardship can be planned.

Read about NERC environmental data centres.

NERC facilities

Funding for NERC services and facilities cannot be requested as part of a training grant application. Students wishing to use NERC services and facilities must fund the costs of doing so using RTSG funds or gain access to facilities through other routes.

Anyone wishing to use a NERC service or facility must contact the facility to seek agreement that they can provide the service required.

Read about NERC’s facilities, ships, aircraft and stations.

Reporting requirements and monitoring

There will be mandatory annual reporting requirements for the successful CDTs, in addition to the standard studentships information captured through the Je-S studentship details functionality.

This information will be used by NERC to report on the success of our training investments to government and other partners.

Information provided will also be used to provide assurance that the CDTs are being managed appropriately and is progressing in accordance with the original funding application, the NERC training strategy, and the aims and expectations outlined in this funding opportunity.

This additional reporting will take the form of an annual return.

Indicative reporting headings include:

  • information regarding student recruitment (including demographics of unsuccessful applicants)
  • information regarding the CDT student population, including those funded by alternative sources to the CDT award
  • CASE studentships and other collaborative partner engagement
  • information regarding partners’ in-kind investment and co-funding
  • cohort-level training activities
  • cross-CDT and DTP training activities
  • CDT-level success stories and impacts (individual student research outputs will be captured through Researchfish)

In addition to annual reports, NERC will conduct regular institutional visits to the CDTs. The CDTs will also be expected to respond to other reporting requirements when requested.

Responsible innovation

Through our funding, we want to make a positive contribution to society and the environment. We will achieve this through research outcomes and the way in which research is conducted.

If you are successful, you will need to adopt responsible research practices, as set out in UKRI’s responsible research policy and the NERC responsible business statement.

Responsible research is defined as reducing harm or enhancing benefit on the environment and society through effective management of research activities and facilities. Specifically, this covers:

  • the natural environment
  • the local community
  • diversity and inclusion

Grant holders should consider responsible research context of their project, not the host institution as a whole. Further, grant holders should take action to enhance their responsible research approach where practical and reasonable.

How to apply

You must apply using the Joint Electronic Submission (Je-S) system.

You can find advice on completing your application in:

We recommend you start your application early.

Your host organisation will also be able to provide advice and guidance.

Before starting an application, you will need to log in or create an account in Je-S.

Outline applications

Submitting your application

When applying select ‘new document’, then:

  • council: NERC
  • document type: outline proposal
  • scheme: NERC outline
  • call/type/mode: CDT outlines June 2023

Once you have completed your application, make sure you ‘submit document’.

You can save completed details in Je-S at any time and return to continue your application later.


NERC must receive your application by 13 June 2023 at 4:00pm UK time.

You will not be able to apply after this time. Please leave enough time for your application to pass through your organisation’s Je-S submission route before this date.

You should ensure you are aware of and follow any internal institutional deadlines that may be in place.


Your application must also include a completed ‘outline application and case for support form’, which is available to download from the ‘supporting documents’ section under ‘additional info’.

The case for support section of the form must not exceed three pages of A4 in single-spaced typescript of minimum font size 11 point (Arial or other sans serif typeface of equivalent size to Arial 11), with margins of at least 2cm.

Please note that Arial narrow, Calibri and Times New Roman are not allowable font types and any proposal which has used either of these font types within their submission will be rejected.

References and footnotes should also be at least 11 point font and should be in the same font type as the rest of the document. Headers and footers should not be used for references or information relating to the scientific case. Applicants referring to websites should note that referees may choose not to use them.

Please note that on submission to council all non PDF documents are converted to PDF. The use of non-standard fonts may result in errors or font conversion, which could affect the overall length of the document.

Additionally where non-standard fonts are present, and even if the converted PDF document may look unaffected in the Je-S system, when it is imported into the research councils grants system some information may be removed.

We therefore recommend that where a document contains any non-standard fonts (scientific notation, diagrams and so on), the document should be converted to PDF prior to attaching it to the application.

You are strongly encouraged to include a high-level vision statement for your CDT within your outline application and must provide details under the following headings:

  • justification of challenge and training need
  • capability to deliver

You are not required to demonstrate any agreed or expected in-kind support or additional funding at the outline application stage, although a clear strategy for engagement with multiple stakeholders should be presented.

A single application should be submitted by the administrative lead partner.

Those successful at the outline stage, will be invited to submit a full application.

Invited full applications

Submitting your application

When applying select ‘new document’, then:

  • council: NERC
  • document type: studentship application
  • scheme: doctoral training
  • call/type/mode: CDT October 2023

Once you have completed your application, make sure you ‘submit document’.

You can save completed details in Je-S at any time and return to continue your application later.


NERC must receive your application by 24 October 2023 at 4:00pm UK time.

You will not be able to apply after this time. Please leave enough time for your application to pass through your organisation’s Je-S submission route before this date.

You should ensure you are aware of and follow any internal institutional deadlines that may be in place.


Your application must also include a completed ‘full application and case for support form’, which is available to download from the ‘supporting documents’ section under ‘additional info’.

The case for support section of the form must not exceed 14 pages of A4 in single-spaced typescript of minimum font size 11 point (Arial or other sans serif typeface of equivalent size to Arial 11), with margins of at least 2cm.

Please note that Arial narrow, Calibri and Times New Roman are not allowable font types and any proposal which has used either of these font types within their submission will be rejected.

References and footnotes should also be at least 11 point font and should be in the same font type as the rest of the document. Headers and footers should not be used for references or information relating to the scientific case. Applicants referring to websites should note that referees may choose not to use them.

Please note that on submission to council all non PDF documents are converted to PDF. The use of non-standard fonts may result in errors or font conversion, which could affect the overall length of the document.

Additionally where non-standard fonts are present, and even if the converted PDF document may look unaffected in the Je-S system, when it is imported into the research councils grants system some information may be removed.

We therefore recommend that where a document contains any non-standard fonts (scientific notation, diagrams and so on), the document should be converted to PDF prior to attaching it to the application.

You will need to provide details under the following headings:

  • justification of challenge and training need
  • capability to deliver
  • training excellence
  • multidisciplinary training environment
  • partnership operational management

You must provide evidence of any financial or in-kind commitment agreed by partners. This may take the form of a statement in the case for support or a signed letter of support (up to two sides of A4 per organisation).

Only letters of support outlining agreed commitments (financial or in-kind) to the CDT will be accepted, no other attachments will be accepted.

A single application should be submitted by the administrative lead partner.

How we will assess your application

A two-stage assessment process will be used.

Stage one: outline applications

The outline application stage will be used to identify bids that will be invited to submit a full application. Approximately 10 outline applications will be invited to submit a full bid.

Outline applications will be assessed by a panel consisting of independent experts in postgraduate training provision, members of NERC Science Committee, the NERC Advisory Network and the NERC Peer Review College.

Applications will be assessed against the following equally weighted criteria:

  • justification of challenge and training need
  • capability to deliver

Feedback will only be provided to applicants successful at the outline stage. Applications successful at the outline stage will be invited to submit a full application.

Assessment criteria: outline stage

Panel members will base their assessment and scores (one to ten, where one is low and ten is high) on the following equally weighted criteria:

Justification of challenge and training need

Justification of the challenge and training need to be addressed by the proposed CDT:

  • compelling vision for the CDT articulating a need for the CDT within the research and innovation system
  • relevance of the challenge or training need to NERC and UKRI strategic priorities
  • well defined evidence and justification of the importance, impact, and novelty of NERC investment in doctoral level training, at this time, to the environmental sciences and the impact of NERC not investing in this area at this time
Capability to deliver

Details of the partnership delivering the CDT:

  • ability of the team to deliver the CDT including the appropriateness and role of the organisations involved with the bid
  • critical mass of relevant researchers, teams or projects within the specific remit of the opportunity to allow students to be supported effectively
  • strategy for engagement with end-users, appropriate to the scope of the CDT, in all aspects of training from the outset of the CDT

Stage two: invited full applications

Full applications will be assessed by a panel consisting of independent experts in postgraduate training provision, members of NERC Science Committee, the NERC Advisory Network and the NERC Peer Review College.

Applications will be assessed against the following equally weighted criteria:

  • justification of challenge and training need
  • capability to deliver
  • training excellence
  • multidisciplinary training environment
  • partnership operational management

Full applications must be no longer than 14 pages in length.

Assessment criteria: full applications

Scoring definitions to be used by the assessment panel are available to download from the supporting documents section below.

Justification of challenge and training need

Please note: while the ‘justification of a training need’ criterion will initially be assessed at the outline application stage, this will be reviewed by the assessment panel at the full stage.

While you do not have to provide any new or additional information for this criterion if you do not wish to do so, the panel will expect any feedback from the outline stage to have been addressed. You may also wish to demonstrate an evolution of the challenge area of focus for the CDT as your application has developed.

Key aspects for an outstanding CDT:

  • compelling vision for the CDT articulating a need for the CDT within the research and innovation system
  • relevance of the challenge or training need to NERC and UKRI strategic priorities
  • well defined evidence and justification of the importance, impact, and novelty of NERC investment in doctoral level training, at this time, to the environmental sciences and the impact of NERC not investing in this area at this time

Factors and evidence that might be discussed:

  • existing activities or NERC infrastructure that investment in this area could utilise, build on and complement
  • impact of NERC not investing in this area at this time
  • relevance of the challenge or training need to NERC and UKRI strategic priorities
Capability to deliver

Please note: while the ‘capability to deliver’ criterion will initially be assessed at the outline application stage, this will be reviewed by the assessment panel at the full stage.

While you do not have to provide any new or additional information for this criterion if you do not wish to do so, the panel will expect any feedback from the outline stage to have been addressed. You may also wish to address any changes to your CDT partnership, as your application has developed.

Key aspects for an outstanding CDT:

  • ability of the team to deliver the CDT including the appropriateness and role of the organisations involved with the bid
  • critical mass of relevant researchers, teams or projects within the specific remit of the opportunity to allow students to be supported effectively
  • strategy for engagement with end-users, appropriate to the scope of the CDT, in all aspects of training from the outset of the CDT

Factors and evidence that might be discussed:

  • evidence of the UK’s current capacity to deliver high quality training in the proposed area is provided
  • number of active NERC-funded research projects and principal investigators at host research organisations, specifically within the challenge area of the proposed CDT
  • Research Excellence Framework (REF) profiles relevant to the challenge area of the proposed CDT. Standing in the appropriate academic community (for example, national, international)
  • institutional commitment to research excellence, specifically within the challenge area of the proposed CDT
  • amount of NERC research income in research areas specific to the challenge area of the proposed CDT
Training excellence

Key aspects for an outstanding CDT:

  • students are part of an active research and training community and managed as a cohort
  • excellent scientific training and transferable or professional skills development opportunities
  • excellent training and support for supervisors
  • challenging and relevant, but feasible, projects
  • co-development of projects and training programmes with end-users to ensure research and skills are tailored to their needs from the outset
  • timely access to world-class facilities, direct experience of cutting-edge techniques, technologies and up to date methodologies
  • the training and training environment includes scientifically excellent and original research within the NERC remit

Factors and evidence that might be discussed:

  • integration of students into the relevant teams, projects, departments or schools
  • mechanisms for supervision, supervisor training, and monitoring of both student and supervisor
  • how generalist and specialist development needs of individual students will be identified and addressed
  • personal, professional, career learning and development that students will receive
  • collaborative opportunities and end-user engagement in training programmes, which may include training delivery, internships, industrial placements, overseas studies and co-supervisory arrangements if appropriate
  • mechanisms to ensure the development of independent researchers and world-leading scientists
  • access to, and encouragement of, peer-to-peer learning and support
    completion rates, publication and first destination data for students hosted within CDT institutions
  • employability of graduates
  • leveraged support for the CDT (either in-kind or financial)
Multidisciplinary training environments

Key aspects for an outstanding CDT:

  • training is embedded in multidisciplinary research environments
  • excellent opportunities to network with researchers and students from other disciplines
  • excellent opportunities for collaborative projects involving end-user partners, including CASE studentships, internships or placements, and end-user co-supervision
  • end user engagement in all aspects of training, from individual projects to cohort-level specialist and transferable skills training. Students will gain value from interaction with a wide range of end-users, and leave equipped with skills applicable to the environment sector and relevant to policymakers and regulators, industry and business, and non-governmental organisations and charities

Factors and evidence that might be discussed:

  • how students will be made aware of the context of their research and how it relates to other disciplines, and its application outside of academia
  • supervisory or wider advisory team engagement in research outside the relevant disciplines
  • ability to expose students to different disciplines via, for example:
    • interaction with cohorts from different disciplines beyond the CDT through transferrable skills training, seminars or conferences. and networking opportunities
    • placing students within multidisciplinary research teams
    • opportunities to attend specialist training courses in other disciplines where appropriate
Partnership operational management

Key aspects for an outstanding CDT:

  • diversity, equity and inclusion principles embedded at all levels and in all aspects of research and training practice throughout the lifetime of the CDT
  • robust mechanisms to promote postgraduate research to a diverse base of talented graduate students across the UK, with all studentships offered on a full or part-time basis through an open and transparent selection process. CDT programme and processes are sufficiently flexible to enable them to be tailored to individual needs
  • robust and transparent governance arrangements and strategy for managing partnerships between or within organisations
  • agreement by all parties of a robust mechanism for aligning ways of working and sharing resources and finances between different organisations (including non-academic partners)
  • adequate dedicated administrative resource
  • clear strategy for engagement with end-users, appropriate to the scope of the CDT, in all aspects of training from the outset of the CDT
  • well-considered mechanism for planning, managing and monitoring training. This includes strategic and systematic approaches to project selection and attracting and selecting the best-fit students for projects. Student recruitment is designed to enable wide participation and prioritises potential for excellence in studentship outcomes (what an individual can bring to a project and the graduate they will be as a result of the CDT’s training)
  • well-defined legacy of the CDT beyond the lifetime of any UKRI investment, including research and training outcomes and impacts, and opportunities to maximise the UKRI investment

Factors and evidence that might be discussed:

  • demonstration of a strategy for embedding diversity, equity and inclusion principles in all aspects of the CDT
    • selection processes to be open and transparent, and enable the potential of the candidate to be assessed whether they are applying on a full- or part-time basis, whether they have prior research training or not, and regardless of their demographic
    • all studentships to be available on a full or part-time basis and the availability of part-time awards to be clearly set out when advertising funding opportunities
    • opportunities for NERC-funded studentships to be actively publicised both within and beyond the host research organisations
    • careers training and continuous professional development that emphasises the full range of potential career pathways open to students of the CDT
  • evidence of support available to all students to protect their physical and mental health and wellbeing and clarity across hosting partners on the steps to be taken by a student to access appropriate support
  • management and governance structure, including mechanisms for agreeing management arrangements and monitoring CDT’s overall progress and success
  • representation of different parties (including students and end-users) within the CDT’s management structure
  • amount of dedicated administrative resource
  • strategy for engaging with end-users and other collaborators
  • systems and processes for assessing the suitability of supervisors and projects
  • mechanisms for allocating studentships within the CDT and recruiting the best-fit students
  • processes for student induction, progression, monitoring and submission
  • demonstration of success stories
  • establishing cohorts beyond the UKRI-funded students by using the CDT as a magnet or nucleus for research and training activities
  • arrangements for management of data generated by studentship projects, and for returning accurate and timely data on studentships to UKRI

The types of evidence that may be considered are provided as examples only. You should develop your application in whatever way you feel is most appropriate to address the requirements of the funding opportunity and provide appropriate evidence to support your proposed training programme and any claims made within the application.

The assessment panel will use this criteria as a guide when assessing applications but will not expect all applications to include all types of evidence listed within this criteria, nor will they ignore additional evidence of excellence or innovative approaches to addressing the requirements of the opportunity.


The assessment process includes an applicant presentation and interview with the assessment panel. We will try to provide early notice of an invitation to attend, but you should note that the interview assessment panel meeting is currently planned for the week commencing 20 November 2023.

NERC will take account of the scope of the highly ranked applications when making the final funding decisions and may not fund multiple CDTs with overlapping focus areas for the proposed training. In circumstances, where the top ranked applications overlap in terms of training remit, NERC may fund a lower ranked application instead.

Following the panel meeting, feedback for all full applications will be provided.

We reserve the right to modify the assessment process as needed.

Principles of assessment

UKRI supports the San Francisco declaration on research assessment and recognises the relationship between research assessment and research integrity.

Find out about the UKRI principles of assessment and decision making.

Contact details

Get help with developing your application

For help and advice on costings and writing your application, please contact your research office in the first instance, allowing sufficient time for your organisation’s submission process.

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01793 444164

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  • 4 August 2023
    The ‘How we will assess your application’ section has been updated with further details of the final funding decision process

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