Application deadlines for Neurosciences and Mental Health Board funding are usually around January, May and September/October, although sometimes dates can change, so check the Funding finder for details.
You can submit to any of the available deadlines in the year. We do not expect you to submit more than two applications at the same time and encourage you to focus on application quality, not the number you can submit. Read our guidance for applicants for details of our resubmission process.
Applying through Je-S
You must apply through the Joint Electronic Submission system (Je-S). Please read the Je-S how to apply guidance (PDF, 190KB) for more information. If you need help applying, you can contact Je-S on 01793 444164 or by email
You should give your administrative department at least two weeks’ notice that you intend to apply. You must submit your application before 4pm on the deadline date.
When applying select:
● council: MRC
● document type: standard proposal
● scheme: research grant
● call/type/mode: research boards May 2021 submissions
Indicating the proposal is a research grant
Select the ‘grant type’ option from the proposal document menu, within the Je-S proposal form. Within the section, select the radio button adjacent to the ‘research grant’ option and select the ‘save’ button.
Guidance for applicants
Our guidance for applicants will:
- help you check your eligibility
- guide you through preparing a proposal
- show you how to prepare a case for support
- provide details of any ethical and regulatory requirements that may apply.
Industrial partners
If you want to include one or more industry partners as a project partner, you must also:
- complete the project partner section in Je-S
- submit an MRC industrial collaboration agreement (MICA) form and heads of terms
- include ‘MICA’ as a prefix to your project title.
Find out more about MRC industry collaboration agreements.
Longitudinal population studies
If your application is to fund new or existing longitudinal population studies, you must first submit an outline application for joint review by the Longitudinal Population Studies Strategic Advisory Panel and the Research Board. Should a full application be invited, this may be submitted within a 12-month window.
Applications for longitudinal population studies must be for core infrastructure only, applications may include associated research only if it is for proof of principle work.
Applicants must speak to the relevant programme manager at least 6 weeks before the outline submission deadline to confirm the eligibility of their application.
Please email for the outline template, timeline for review and next outline submission deadline. Applications for funding for clinical (meaning, patient-specific or disease-focused) cohorts are exempt from this process.