Apply for funding to support ambitious research and innovation across UK Research and Innovation (UKRI)’s remit. You must be an early career researcher or innovator who is either:
looking to establish or transition to independence
developing your own original and ambitious plans within a commercial setting
The UK Metascience Unit will fund a cohort of early career fellows to build our understanding of how the growing adoption of AI is changing the research landscape, including what metascientific, ethical, epistemic, and socioeconomic questions this raises, and how governments, industry, and funding organisations should respond.
You can apply for support to become an independent researcher, if your research focus is within Medical Research Council remit to improve human health.
You must:
have a PhD or equivalent
show evidence of career progression
show clear plans for establishing independence and developing as a leader in your area of research
These fellowships are for those looking to return to a research career after a break. Fellowships combine a personalised retraining programme with a challenging research project. They are flexible, usually lasting two years at 0.5 full-time equivalent, although some UKRI funders may award longer.