Please email the intention to submit form to by 16:00, 15 July 2021.
This is mandatory. Proposals will not be accepted from applicants who have failed to submit an intention to submit.
Download the intention to submit form (Word, 51KB)
Please include the names of:
- the principal investigator
- potential co-investigators
- any collaborating organisations confirmed at this stage.
This is to help us prepare for peer review and manage conflicts at the panel assessment stage and will not involve any expert assessment.
The full proposal should be submitted through the Je-S (Joint Electronic Submissions) system by 15 September 2021 16:00. The proposal should follow standard MRC application guidelines.
Read the MRC application guidelines.
The proposal should consist of a completed Je-S form and the following attachments.
Case for support
Maximum eight sides A4.
The case for support forms the main body of your proposal and should follow the standard case for support content (MRC).
Reproducibility and statistical design
The purpose of this annex is to provide important additional information on reproducibility, and to explain the steps taken to ensure the reliability and robustness of the chosen methodology and experimental design.
Please note in this context, methodology refers to the rationale for choosing which method to use and not the provision of detailed descriptions of the methods to be used.
It is mandatory that a one-page annex to the case for support is included, to provide additional information specifically relating to the statistical analyses, methodology and experimental design aspects of the proposal (beyond that contained in the main case for support).
Please note that you should not duplicate information presented elsewhere in the application.
Supporting data – patient and public involvement and engagement (PPIE) strategy
Maximum of two pages.
You must complete the APDP supporting data PPIE strategy (Word, 48KB).
People with lived experience of chronic pain are at the heart of the APDP. All awards through the APDP will be expected to have been informed by the needs of stakeholders, including people with lived experience of chronic pain (which can include carers and family members), and members of the public.
Research proposals are expected to include plans for their meaningful involvement during the award. Assessment by people with lived experience of chronic pain forms an integral part of each stage of the review process.
You must include a document detailing how your proposal has been informed by the needs of people with lived experience of chronic pain, and how they will be involved in the research, should your application be successful. We require a clear commitment to their involvement in the dissemination of your research.
Please use clear and inclusive language throughout. Insights from your PPIE activity should be incorporated throughout your application. Please answer the following questions in your PPIE document:
- how did you determine that your proposal addresses an important unmet need for people with lived experience of chronic pain?
- how have people with lived experience of chronic pain helped you define your research question and its objectives?
- what are your proposed plans for meaningful involvement of stakeholders, including people with lived experience of chronic pain (which can include carers and family members) and members of the public during the award, should your application be successful?
- if awarded, what impact and potential benefits will this application have on those living with chronic pain (short or long term)?
Justification of resources
The role of the justification of resources (JoR) is to aid reviewers when assessing proposals so that they can make an informed judgement on whether the resources requested are appropriate for the research posed.
The JoR is a mandatory attachment to the proposal and should be no more than two sides of A4.
Learn more about the justification of resources (MRC).
Data management plan (DMP)
This is a mandatory attachment. Please use the DMP template.
CVs and list of publications
CVs (maximum two sides A4) and list of publications (maximum one side A4) for the principal investigator and each co-investigator.
Letters of support from project partners
For proposals containing project partners, you must include a letter of support from each partner.
The letter must be a maximum of two pages.
Read more about project partners (MRC).
MICA form and heads of terms (if applicable)
These attachments apply to applications with an industrial project partner.
To understand if this applies to your proposal, read the MRC Industry Collaboration Agreement (MICA) guidance.
All proposals must be completed and submitted through the Je-S system by 15 September 2021, 16:00.
All applications need to be submitted through the lead research organisation (RO), which in turn must be Je-S registered. All applicants should consult the team responsible for proposal submissions at their RO to confirm how much time they will need to process the application and complete the submission process.
Please leave enough time to ensure that all co-investigators are fully registered on the system. This process from start to finish can take up to a month. Any public or patient collaborators should be included as project partners.
Creating your Je-S application
Please note that the funding opportunity will be available to select on Je-S from 15 June 2021.
All investigators (principal investigator and co-investigators) are required to have a verified Je-S account type.
If you are a new Je-S user, to start the create account process and gain access to the Je-S system, accept the terms and conditions (Je-S).
Sign in to Je-S and select ‘documents’ from your account ‘home’ page and then select ‘add new document’.
When applying select:
- council: MRC
- document type: standard proposal
- scheme: joint partners
- call/type/mode: SPF Advanced Pain Discovery Platform Research Grants Sep 2021.
Select ‘Create document’.