Funding opportunity

Funding opportunity: Late-stage commercialisation scheme 2023

Apply for funding to the late stage commercialisation scheme.

You must be based at a UK research organisation eligible for late-stage research and development funding and send an expression of interest notification.

The full economic cost of your project can be up to £300,000 per year for two years. STFC will fund 80% of the full economic cost.

Who can apply

The expression of interest is open to the members of the STFC particle physics, astronomy and nuclear physics (PPAN) community, quantum scientists in receipt of STFC funding and the computing that supports the PPAN community. At the time of application the principal investigator must be able to satisfy the following criteria.

They must be academic members of staff (lecturers or equivalent) or hold a fellowship, such as an STFC or Royal Society Fellowship, won through open competition. In exceptional cases, senior postdoctoral research assistants of sufficient experience and qualification may also be eligible: such cases should be justified with a case for support accompanied by a letter of support from the head of department.

They must be either resident in the UK or be employed by an overseas research organisation approved by STFC as eligible to apply for research grant funding.

They must, at least by the time the grant is due to start, be employed by the organisation submitting the proposal or, if not (for example, retired or on secondment from elsewhere), have a written agreement from the organisation confirming that they may carry out research there and will receive all necessary management and infrastructural support from the organisation.

They must have an assurance from the submitting organisation that if the proposal is successful, the contract of employment, or formal commitment to provide support if not employed at the organisation, will extend to beyond the end date of the grant.

What we're looking for

The expression of interest must include information on the project as detailed in the template.

How to apply

We recommend you start your application early.

Submitting your expression of interest

To apply for funding to the late-stage commercialisation scheme you must send an expression of interest email to for the attention of Wendy Carr prior to 5:00pm UK time on 1 June 2023.

You are required to use the correct template which must include all information requested, if there are any issues with this, please speak to STFC staff. The information will help STFC to process your expression of interest.


STFC must receive your application by 1 June at 5:00pm UK time.

You will not be able to apply after this time.


Your email must use the STFC template we have created for the purpose of collecting the correct information.

How to apply to the funding opportunity itself

Details of how to apply to the funding opportunity late-stage commercialisation scheme itself will be sent out via email on receipt of the expression of interest.

This will be the first time that this scheme has opened on the UKRI Funding Service system. Therefore, an email will be sent to out to applicants on receipt of an expression of interest providing a link for the system to enable you to apply for the scheme.

Funding opportunity guidance

Guidance for submitting the application will be provided on the Funding Service system itself when you receive the link.

The funding opportunity will open on 8 June 2023 for applications.

How we will assess your application

There is no assessment of the information provided other than a check on eligibility for the scheme.

Contact details

Get help with developing your proposal

For help and advice on costings and writing your proposal please contact your research office in the first instance, allowing sufficient time for your organisation’s submission process.

Ask about this funding opportunity

Wendy Carr


Include ItS late stage commercialisation scheme in the subject line.

We aim to respond within five working days.

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