Proposals should address one of the two topics of the funding opportunity.
Topic one: Design novel or improved interventions to prevent, mitigate or treat fungal infections, which are resistant to treatments or are at risk of developing resistance
The novel interventions for topic one may include, but are not limited to:
- prevention strategies
- treatments based on new or existing compounds or technologies
- improved or novel diagnostics or surveillance
Topic two: Improve or compare or evaluate strategies, technologies, treatments, methods, protocols or data collection based on existing interventions, aiming to prevent or reduce the emergence or spread of antibacterial or antifungal resistance or to treat/cure infections caused by resistant bacteria/fungi and recommend new policies
Within this topic, projects should address one or more of the following subtopics:
- improve, compare and evaluate the effectiveness of existing interventions, for example:
- cost effectiveness clinical utility
- socio-economic adaptability
- reducing AMR emergence, spread, transmission and treatment
- identify the barriers to uptake, including:
- factors leading to the success or failure of previously run pilot interventions
- when applicable design solutions to overcome them
The prevention interventions, mitigation interventions, or both for topic two may include, but are not limited to:
- treatment, for example:
- waste water
- medical
- technological
- protocols
- social, societal and behavioural intervention, for example:
- public awareness campaigns
- provider audit and feedback
- reimbursement penalties
- prescription requirements
- infection prevention
- control programmes
- stewardship efforts, for example:
- antimicrobial guidelines
- vaccination guidelines
These interventions may use technological, digital, or artificial intelligence based approaches.
For all topics, reuse of the quality and sustainability of existing data, improvement of the quality and sustainability of existing data, or both are encouraged.
Out of scope sub-topics
The following sub-topics are out of the scope of the funding opportunity:
- antivirals and antiparasitics
- proposals solely aiming to treat plant or animal infections without link to human health
- proposals solely aiming to extend existing or implement new surveillance systems
One Health settings
The funding opportunity covers the following One Health settings:
- human health
- animal health, including:
- wildlife
- livestock
- aquatic organisms
- companion animals
- plants, including:
- environment, including:
- natural environment
- built environment