Funding opportunity

Funding opportunity: Interventions to reduce antibiotic resistance or transmission

Apply for funding to develop or test interventions to reduce the transmission of antibiotic resistance.

You must apply as part of a transnational consortium of three to seven partners.

Your project must aim to either:

  • understand the impact of interventions
  • design, test or compare new interventions.

It must focus on at least two One Health areas:

  • human health
  • animal health
  • environmental health.

Funding is available for three years. UKRI will support between five and seven projects.

The UK part of the project must be within MRC’s, BBSRC’s or NERC’s remit.

This opportunity is available through the Joint Programme Initiative for Antimicrobial Resistance (JPIAMR). MRC, BBSRC and NERC are three of the 30 organisations offering funding through the initiative.

Who can apply

Standard UKRI eligibility and council fEC rules apply. Please check the UK National Annex in the call documents for additional information.

Applications must include a minimum of three (3) eligible partners asking for funding from three (3) different countries (at least two from EU Member States or Associated Countries).

Six (6) project partners (including non-funded partners) maximum are permitted, rising to seven (7) if partners from under represented countries (Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland or LMICs) are included in the consortium.

Please note: people applying from separate legal entities within a country are considered separate partners. Only one award will be made to the UK partners working on the same project in line with normal MRC T&C of award.

Project partners not eligible for funding (for example, from non-funding countries or not fundable according to national/regional regulations of the participating funding organisations) may be involved in projects if they bring their own funding.

The budget of non-funded partners should not exceed 30% of the total transnational project budget requested. Project partners not eligible for funding from this call cannot be consortium coordinators and, as with funded members, must accept all JPIAMR rules and guidelines.

Additional National Rules and Regulations of funders will also apply. Please refer to Annex B of the call document for further information.

At both the pre- and full proposal stage, all partners, including non-funded partners, must submit a signed letter of intent along with their pre- or full proposal. In the absence of these letters, the proposal will be declared ineligible.

What we're looking for

The primary aims of the ERA-Net JPIAMR-ACTION co-funded call are to:

  • understand the impact of interventions on the development and transmission of antibiotic resistance
  • design, implement, evaluate, and compare interventions that will have a true impact on reducing the development and transmission of antibiotic resistance in and between the different One Health settings.

Projects should be implemented into relevant geographic areas, including into resource-limited settings (specific funding available from non-UKRI funders for LMIC project partners), with a One Health perspective. Projects are encouraged to include transdisciplinary research teams, in which involvement of the social sciences is also encouraged.

The following sub-topics are out of scope of the call:

  • proposals not primarily focusing on antibiotic resistance
  • proposals limited to implementing existing interventions to new countries without any research objectives
  • development of new antimicrobial drugs or investigations on new targets for the development of antimicrobial drugs
  • proposals solely developing diagnostic tools to monitor selection or transmission of antibiotic resistance
  • proposals aiming to improve existing commercially exploited technologies or products
  • proposals solely aiming to develop or implement surveillance systems.

How to apply

Step one: read the full opportunity details

Before you prepare an application, please read the full opportunity details on the JPIAMR website.

Step two: set up your consortium

You must apply as part of a transnational consortium of three to seven partners.

Find full consortium criteria in the full opportunity details on the JPIAMR website.

Find project partners using the partner search tool (National Science Centre Poland).

Step three: submit your pre-proposal

You must apply through the JPIAMR submission platform. You can access this through the full opportunity details on the JPIAMR website.

You must include a UK budget proforma (Word, 45KB).

This must be part of the full PDF that you submit to the JPIAMR.

The pre-proposal deadline is 16 March 2021 12:00 CET.

Step four: submit your full proposal

Full proposals are by invitation only. We will inform selected applicants by 28 May 2021.

You must include a UK budget proforma (Word, 45KB).

This must be part of the full PDF that you submit to the JPIAMR.

The full proposal deadline is 12 July 2021 12:00 CET.

Funding decisions will be made in October 2021.

Step five: record your successful application

If your application is chosen for funding, you’ll be asked to submit your application in the Joint Electronic Submission system (Je-S).

This is so UKRI can administer your funding through Je-S. Your application will not be reassessed.

This must be done by the end of December 2021.

Contact details


Dr Jessica Boname


Dr Stephen Webb


Dr Lisa Hole

Additional info

Supporting documents

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