This funding opportunity adheres to the guidance in the NERC grant and fellowship handbook. Except in circumstances where there are exceptions to the standard NERC grant funding opportunities (for example eligibility) which have been outlined in this funding opportunity.
Information relating to applications may be shared, on a confidential basis, across UKRI councils, and with other organisations to support cross-council learning.
Grant panel observation opportunity
Those without formal grant panel experience may apply to digitally attend panel meetings as observers, as a professional development opportunity.
This opportunity is available for researchers, PhD students, or public engagement professionals who support NERC-funded researchers or NERC-funded projects, as part of their professional development.
Terms of observation attendance:
- attendees must be able and willing to attend an allocated date of panel meeting(s)
- attendees must adhere to conflict of interest and confidentiality agreements
- attendees must offer feedback about the process and their experience to inform future funding opportunities
To be eligible for a grant panel observation opportunity you must not be named on (lead applicant, co-application, collaborator, or other) or be involved in any of the delivery on a submitted application for this main funding opportunity. In addition, you must not have a conflict of interest with any of the applications being discussed.
To apply for this opportunity please email no later than 4:00pm 27 March with no more than 200 words outlining the following:
- name, job role, institution, and best contact email address
- why you are unable to access this experience elsewhere in your job role
- how this will benefit your professional development
- how this will benefit research projects, public engagement projects, etc. which you work on
- how you intend to share your learnings from the panel observation with others within your team, organisation, etc.
By emailing in your application for this opportunity you agree with the terms outlined above. If you are unable to make the panel date your place will be offered to another interested party.
The NERC public engagement team will review the applications, if there are more applications than spaces, NERC will invite individuals who demonstrate the most potential impact in their email statement. NERC will award places ensuring a diversity of job roles and institutions.
Please note that those selected to observe panels won’t attend the full sessions and will be provided with a time slot of a few hours to observe. Panel observers will not be permitted to view the final shortlisting process.
Unsuccessful applicants for this observation opportunity will not receive individual assessment feedback as to why an observation place was not awarded. NERC can provide generic feedback as to the characteristics of successful applications.
Responsible research
Through our funding, we want to make a positive contribution to society and the environment. We will achieve this through research outcomes and the way in which research is conducted.
If you are successful, you will need to adopt responsible research practices, as set out in UKRI’s responsible research policy and the NERC responsible business statement.
Responsible research is defined as reducing harm or enhancing benefit on the environment and society through effective management of research activities and facilities. Specifically, this covers:
- the natural environment
- the local community
- equality, diversity, and inclusion
Grant holders should consider the responsible research context of their project, not the host institution as a whole. Further, grant holders should take action to enhance their responsible research approach where practical and reasonable.
Please note if selected for funding you will be asked to complete an equality impact assessment for your project, which must be completed and approved by NERC before the project commences.
There is useful information on equality, diversity and inclusion on the National Coordinating Centre for Public Engagement (NCCPE) website.
Payment of grants
As this funding opportunity is not run through the Joint Electronic Submission (Je-S) system, the payment of the successful grants will be completed using the following invoicing process:
- contracts finalised and signed
- NERC raises a purchase order number and shares this with the lead applicant
- once all the project work has been completed, the lead applicant’s institution provides NERC with an invoice which must include the purchase order number, the organisation’s site address, NERC’s address, and a unique invoice number
- NERC makes payment after work has been completed. Please note NERC cannot pay in advance of delivery
Invoicing must be completed in line with the timeline provided within the announcement of funding. Invoices must be provided directly to the public engagement team on the dates specified, not at the start of the project. NERC will provide the required dates to successful applicants.
Further resources
The creating living knowledge report provides more information on community-university relationships.
This funding opportunity responds to some points made in a small piece of independent research that the NCCPE commissioned, insights into NERC-funded researchers report. This was to find out more about how NERC-funded researchers viewed public engagement, and how it was supported, to inform future work in this area.
Supporting documents
Growing roots 2023 to 2024: application form (DOCX, 78KB)