Funding opportunity

Funding opportunity: Funding for short courses and summer schools in 2025

Apply for funding to hold short courses, summer schools and online training resources in science or technology.

You must be from an STFC-accredited UK university or research organisation eligible for STFC funding.

Your short course, summer school or online training resource must:

  • be aimed primarily at STFC-funded PhD students
  • cover core research activity supported by the STFC studentships programme

The STFC studentship programme covers:

  • astronomy
  • solar and planetary science
  • particle astrophysics
  • cosmology
  • particle physics
  • accelerator science
  • nuclear physics

We will not support courses of a specialist technical nature. Every student should have the opportunity to attend an STFC-supported summer school.

Who can apply

Who is eligible to apply

We welcome bids from STFC-accredited UK universities and research organisations.

Equality, diversity and inclusion

We are committed to achieving equality of opportunity for all funding applicants. We encourage applications from a diverse range of researchers.

We support people to work in a way that suits their personal circumstances. This includes:

  • career breaks
  • support for people with caring responsibilities
  • flexible working
  • alternative working patterns

Organisers of an STFC-funded summer school are required to ensure that the arrangements for the school:

  • comply with key principles of the UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) equality and diversity policy
  • place no barriers in the way of participation by students from any of the protected groups (gender, disability and race)
  • involve no discrimination or bias against any of the protected groups in the selection of lecturers

Find out more about equality, diversity and inclusion at UKRI.

What we're looking for


STFC will support the following schools:

  • Introductory Course in Astronomy for New Research Students
  • British Universities Summer School in Theoretical Elementary Particle Physics
  • Introductory Course in Solar and Solar-terrestrial Physics
  • High Energy Physics summer schools

The courses and schools listed will be expected to submit a satisfactory bid should they wish to have support in 2025.

All other proposed summer schools or online training will be considered in competition for the remaining budget. Priority will be given to schools in areas not covered by the fundamental schools.

Research areas

Courses or schools must be held in a core research activity supported by the STFC studentships programme:

  • astronomy
  • solar and planetary science
  • particle astrophysics
  • cosmology
  • particle physics
  • accelerator science
  • nuclear physics

Courses must be aimed primarily at STFC-funded PhD students. Every student should have the opportunity to attend a STFC-supported summer school. Courses of a specialist technical nature will not be supported.

Expected course content

Bids should include sufficient detail and address what the course aims to deliver in terms of content and how this links to the STFC science programme. Refer to the guidance for organising a summer school, short or online course for full details of the expected content and ensure there are elements of public engagement in the school.

If you require any content advice, please contact

For more information on the background of this funding opportunity, go to the Additional information section.

Funding available

Organisers should aim to keep the cost below £150 per student per day. However, some consideration will be made for overheads where the cost may exceed this figure where specific justifications are provided.

Please note the following financial restrictions within the summer school template:

  • lecturer fees: a maximum of £170 per day or £85 per half day, as appropriate
  • conference dinner: a maximum of £50 (£60 in London) per delegate in total for conference dinner or excursion, or both
  • management fees: if you are using postdoctoral research assistants or PhD students to manage the school, you may claim costs at the appropriate hourly rate to the total value of £500 or you can claim a one off £500 management fee
  • contingency costs: 5% of the total cost or £1,500 (whichever is the least)

How to apply

Bids for the 2024 summer school funding opportunity must be emailed to in the following format:

Summer school and short course bids

All summer school and short course bids must be contained within three pages and provide the following information:

  • course organiser details, date and venue of the proposed course or school
  • justification for the course, in terms of its relevant to the STFC studentships programme
  • the number of STFC PhD students who would benefit from the course or school
  • a detailed breakdown of the budget requested using the summer school and online course costs template and include justification of these costs:
    • the maximum for any social excursion or conference dinner should be £50 per student (£60 in London)
    • contingency costs should be 5% of the total cost or £1,500 (whichever is the least)
  • information on funding or in-kind contributions to be provided from other sources. We expect holders of summer schools to seek commercial sponsorship wherever possible while retaining the scientific ownership of the school. For example:
    • a company logo to be included on the event website
    • branded notepads for attendees
    • a specific, identifiable contribution such as a conference dinner or transport
  • details of the proposed lecturers and courses (all courses should include sessions on public engagement, broader issues of undertaking a PhD including mental health, and introductory courses should include a session on careers advice covering both academic and non-academic careers)
  • there is an expectation for Ernest Rutherford Fellows to participate as lecturers or tutors and you may also approach UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) Future Leaders Fellows in the STFC remit

Online training resource bids

All online training resource bids must be contained within three pages and provide the following information:

  • course organisers details and platform used for training. This needs to be made available for all STFC students
  • justification for the course in terms of its relevance to the STFC programme
  • details on how the resource will be updated and maintained and for what period
  • the number of STFC PhD students who would benefit from the course or school
  • a detailed breakdown of the budget requested including justification of the costs. Please see the summer school and online course cost template
  • information on funding or in-kind contributions to be provided from other sources. We expect commercial sponsorship wherever possible while retaining the scientific ownership of the school (for example a company logo could be included in the online material)


If successful, organisers are required to provide a report to the STFC Education, Training and Careers Committee on completion of the course. The report should include student feedback and gender balance between students. The report will be shared with future hosts.

If a bid to host a core or recurrent school is being considered, we would strongly encourage course organisers to contact the previous hosts of their chosen school prior to planning. This is to help progress and improve the school or course year on year.

Final reports and student feedback from previous years can be provided for reference by the studentship team during the planning process. Please email


STFC must receive your application by 25 September 2024 at 5:00pm UK time.

You will not be able to apply after this time.

Make sure you are aware of and follow any internal institutional deadlines.

Following the submission of your application to the funding opportunity, your application cannot be changed, and applications will not be returned for amendment. If your application does not follow the guidance, it may be rejected.

Personal data

Processing personal data

STFC, as part of UKRI, will need to collect some personal information to manage the registration of your funding applications.

We will handle personal data in line with UK data protection legislation and manage it securely. For more information, including how to exercise your rights, read our privacy notice.

Publication of outcomes

STFC, as part of UKRI, will publish the outcomes of this funding opportunity at the STFC short course and summer school web page.

How we will assess your application

Assessment process

The bids will be assessed by the Education, Training and Careers Committee against the following criteria:

  • breadth of subject and fit with STFC objectives
  • speaker, lecturer and tutor equity, diversity and inclusion operations
  • quality of subject matter
  • school programming
  • skills building content
  • risk management
  • value for money

Course organisers will be notified by STFC whether their bid has been successful, unsuccessful or requires improvement to be funded after the meeting in late November 2024 or early December 2024.

Course organisers may be required to re-submit their bid once amendments have been made.

Contact details

Get help with your application

For questions related to this specific funding opportunity please contact


  • 7 August 2024
    Guidance for 2025 summer school, short course and online resource training course organisers updated to include information about reasonable adjustment.

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