You must apply using the Joint Electronic Submission (Je-S) system.
You can find advice on completing your application in the Je-S handbook.
We recommend you start your application early.
Your host organisation will also be able to provide advice and guidance.
Submitting your application
Before starting an application, you will need to log in or create an account in Je-S.
When applying:
- Select ‘documents’, then ‘new document’.
- Select ‘call search’.
- To find the opportunity, search for: UK Rare Disease Research Platform – Node Outline.
This will populate:
- council: MRC
- document type: outline proposal
- scheme: standard outline
- call/type/mode: UK Rare Disease Research Platform – Node Outline.
Once you have completed your application, make sure you ‘submit document’.
You can save completed details in Je-S at any time and return to continue your application later.
MRC must receive your application by 8 November 2022 at 16:00.
You will not be able to apply after this time. Please leave enough time for your proposal to pass through your organisation’s Je-S submission route before this date.
You should ensure you are aware of and follow any internal institutional deadlines that may be in place.
Node project details
You must complete the following sections.
Project details
You must:
- select the research organisation that will host the node
- select the department
- indicate your reference, for example ‘node and research organisation name’ (maximum of 20 characters, including spaces)
- indicate the title of the node within the project title section (maximum of 150 characters, including spaces)
- select ‘UK Rare Disease Research Platform – Node Outline’
- indicate the proposed start date of the node (should be May or June 2023)
- indicate the duration of the project (should be 60 months).
Principal investigator
Select the proposed node director (principal investigator) from the database search and indicate ‘yes’ or ‘no’ as to whether your post will outlast the project duration.
Select any individuals who will assist in the management and leadership of the proposed node from the database search, with the expectation of bringing in the right expertise for the proposed domain. This is expected to be two to five, one of whom will act as co-director to assist the node director in the leadership of the node.
Cross-institutional co-investigators are encouraged, although links to other departments within the same higher education institute can be considered where this brings novel connectivity.
Research co-investigator
These are not in scope due to the nature of this opportunity, although early career co-investigators are encouraged where relevant.
Specify the key aims for the node, and link these to activities and deliverables in networking. Coordination and enabling research must be outlined in the case for support.
Resource summary
Provide an indication of proposed resource request, taking account of eligible costs.
Summarise the domain and the node focus, aims, networking opportunity and research challenges that the node will address.
Project partners
Indicate the key node partner name and primary contact person information for each industrial and non-industrial partner who will:
- contribute to the node
- help to deliver the node’s ambitious vision and aims
- support the node’s impact through, for example, the proposed networking and enabling research activities.
There is no requirement to provide letters of support at this outline stage.
Grant type
Ensure that you select ‘research grant’.
You must include a mandatory case for support following the guidance.
No other attachments are permitted and will be disregarded if provided.
Case for support
The case for support must not exceed three sides of A4. You must use 11 point Arial font and include the following numbered headings in order, and address the guidance provided.
1. Domain and position in UK landscape
This should be approximately 100 words. You must define the domain and challenge area for the proposed node, and outline its positions within the broader rare disease landscape
2. Vision
This should be approximately 200 words. You must describe how the node activities will:
- take forward a bold and innovative vision for the specified domain
- leverage the opportunities presented by the new platform.
You must briefly outline what difference the node will make to the platform, and how the platform will benefit from this node.
You must outline why the node needs support through the Rare Disease Research Platform investment, rather than through existing funding routes.
3. Node team
This should be approximately 150 words. You must explain why the proposed individuals and research organisations indicated in the Je-S form are best placed to address the aims and objectives of the research node challenge.
You must indicate any relevant existing funding (for the node leader, node co-investigators or node partners) that the node will build upon.
4. Connectivity to existing investments and infrastructure
This should be approximately 150 words. You must outline how the node will connect to existing or planned investments and what connections and partnerships the node will establish. You must map these to key capabilities (including technology, data or sample platforms, research platforms, patient and industry engagement).
You must also outline the added value that will be generated and explain how the node will form part of the national infrastructure for rare disease research.
5. Networking and coordination activities
This should be approximately 300 words. You must summarise the node’s:
- aims
- networking opportunities
- research obstacles or challenges
- key deliverables and outputs to expect over five years.
Details of up to three enabling research projects should be provided in the next section.
6. Enabling research activities: node projects
This should be approximately 600 words, at 200 words per project. You must outline up to three projects that the node would be able to deliver and explain the enabling impact they will have. Projects should have one or two specified deliverables, and should not normally be suitable for funding through response mode routes.
You must include duration, resource needed and any dependencies. You must provide the full economic cost for each project but note that flexibility in the final projects is expected.
You should also indicate how later projects could be co-developed and re-shaped with engagement of other platform members.
Please include a table indicating how the total costs requested shown in Je-S (at 80% full economic cost) break down across:
- leadership and project management
- coordination activities
- enabling research projects.
Guidance for full applications will follow in November 2022.