Funding opportunity

Funding opportunity: Engaging with Government 2021

The Engaging with Government programme is a three-day course which will take place in February 2021 and is designed to provide an insight into the policymaking process, and help participants develop the skills needed to pursue the policy implications of their research.

It also aims to build links between policymakers and the most dynamic new research in the arts and humanities. We are inviting eligible researchers to submit an application to attend the course.

If for any reason, we are unable to host an in-person event, the course will be delivered virtually which may extend the duration to five half days.

In the event the course is delivered virtually, we will arrange for attendees to meet in person in a follow up session when it is feasible to do so.

The programme will:

  • encourage you to see opportunities where your own research could make a valuable contribution in a public policy context
  • challenge you to think in more depth about the policy process, and the role of research within it
  • increase the influencing and communication skills that you need to achieve this


The programme is open to any arts and humanities researcher (at all career stages) based at a UK Higher Education Institution or recognised independent research organisation working in any area of the AHRC’s subject domain.

Applicants must be employed in a full or part-time postdoctoral or equivalent position, which may be either fixed term or permanent, and which lists academic research as one of its main responsibilities.

Applicants must be in post at the time of application, and the position must extend beyond the delivery of the ‘Engaging with Government’ course in February 2021.

Further, the position must be held at a research organisation which is eligible to apply to the AHRC.

The course will be held at the Institute for Government Offices in central London on 23, 24 and 25 February 2021 and applicants will need to commit to attending all three days in full or five half days if run virtually.

The costs of the course, accommodation, travel, and subsistence will be paid for according to AHRC’s standard terms and conditions.

How to make an application

The closing date for applications is: 30 October 2020, 17:00.

For further information, please see the Engaging with Government Programme: Call for Applications documentation.

Further Information

Read about how to engage with policymakers a guide for academics in the arts and humanities, on the Institute for Government website.

Read our feature Routes to Engaging with Government with an introduction from Professor Andrew Thompson.


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