Through this opportunity we aim to support novel research into how interactions with data and visualisations could improve human centred decision making.
For the purpose of this opportunity, ‘human centred decision making’ means decision making with a focus on the ‘human’, either with a human making a decision based on the information or visualisation presented, or a machine making a decision taking into consideration the human’s capability to understand and interrogate the decision outcome presented.
We expect this funding opportunity will encourage multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary research into data mapping and improving visualisations, as well as research into how people interact with data and visualisations, and how improving visualisations and interactions can improve human centred decision making.
In particular, we welcome research in the following areas:
- mapping complex data into visualisations
- data evaluation methods
- human decision making in complex or time constrained environments
- new display and interaction technology
- multisensory and inclusive visualisations
- interactions between a human decision maker and data
- user centred research, including how people interact with data
- how improved data visualisation could impact society.
The above is not an exhaustive list. Applicants are able to propose research in other areas as long as they can demonstrate novel research into how interactions with data and visualisations could improve human centred decision making.
You can be a principle investigator on one application and a co-investigator on another application, but you cannot be a principle investigator on two applications or a co-investigator on two applications.
Funding available
The funding available for this opportunity is up to £3 million.
The full economic cost of your project can be up to £750,000. EPSRC will fund 80% of the full economic cost.
We are aiming to fund between four and six awards.
Awards are for a maximum of 36 months.
Equipment over £10,000 in value (including VAT) is not available through this opportunity. Smaller items of equipment (individually under £10,000) can be included in the ‘directly incurred – other costs’ heading.
Find out more about EPSRC approach to equipment funding.
The latest start date of the awarded grants will be June 2023.
Multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary academic collaboration is encouraged, particularly with those who have expertise in:
- human behaviour
- social science
- library and information studies.
Research must be within 50% of the EPSRC information and communications technology (ICT) theme remit.
To be within the remit of the EPSRC ICT theme, the potential outcomes and impacts of proposals must focus on fundamental or applied engineering and physical sciences research into ICT.
Any proposals that EPSRC deems are in the majority outside of the remit of the ICT theme, or the scope of this opportunity, may be rejected without reference to peer review.
Grant additional conditions
Grants are awarded under the standard UK Research and Innovation grant terms and conditions. The following additional grant conditions will also apply:
Additional condition one
It is expected that you will provide EPSRC with a case study detailing outputs and outcomes of the project between six months and three years.
Additional condition two
It is an expectation that the cohort of principal investigators of funded grants will work together to organise a joint end of grant showcase, detailing the work you have carried out.
This should be aimed at peers and potential businesses, other partners or users of the research. There is an expectation the cohort would meet beforehand to organise the event and invite EPSRC representatives to support the cohort and facilitate co-working.
The wording of these conditions may change prior to the grants being awarded.
The additional conditions noted in the opportunity details are not criteria for review or assessment. These conditions are an expectation for all awarded grants holders and will be included in the terms and conditions of the grant. This doesn’t need to be discussed in your application.