Funding opportunity

Funding opportunity: Collaborate with researchers in Brazil

UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) and FAPESP have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to support collaborative applications. It provides for a lead agency agreement whereby participant UKRI research councils receive and assess joint applications from eligible UK and Brazil-based researchers from the state of São Paulo on behalf of both organisations.

UKRI and FAPESP will co-fund applications submitted to participant UKRI councils’ responsive mode funding opportunities via selected funding opportunities.

General conditions for applications will differ depending on the funding opportunity to which an application is being submitted.

Who can apply

Applications must be submitted via the participating research council’s funding opportunity.

You must be an eligible project lead or principal investigator employed by a UK research organisation eligible to receive funding from the participating UKRI research councils which you wish to apply to:

  • AHRC
  • ESRC
  • MRC
  • NERC
  • STFC

UK and São Paulo-based applicants should ensure that their joint applications are well balanced, with clear roles and objectives, and equivalent research effort attributed to both sides of the collaboration.

Information on institution eligibility to receive UKRI funding can be found on UKRI’s website or in the funding opportunity guidance to which an application is being submitted.

Check if your institution is eligible for funding.


The UK project lead or principal investigator must be employed by a UK research organisation eligible for UKRI funding and meet the participating research council’s eligibility criteria for the specific funding opportunity to which an application is being submitted.

In order to benefit from FAPESP funding, São Paulo-based applicants need to be affiliated with FAPESP eligible institutions, meaning higher education and research organisations, public or private, based in the state of São Paulo.

Unlike UKRI, FAPESP does not award grants to institutions, but directly to researchers. Brazilian applicants should contact FAPESP (please see section on ‘contact details’) to confirm their eligibility before submitting an application.

Further information regarding UK applicant’s eligibility conditions can be found in the council’s guidance to applicants and in the funding opportunity specific guidance, under the ‘Eligible funding opportunities’ section.

Further information regarding the São Paulo-based applicant’s eligibility conditions can be found on FAPESP-UKRI open deadlines (responsive mode) submission page.

Further guidance

You should refer to the specific participating research council’s guidance to applicants and funding opportunity guidance for further information:

FAPESP guidance for applicants can be found on FAPESP-UKRI open deadlines (responsive mode) submission page.

What we're looking for

Under the UKRI-FAPESP agreement, joint UK-Brazil applications can be submitted to the UKRI council’s responsive mode funding opportunities, as in the following list.

Collaborative research applications led by UK applicants, with São Paulo-based researchers, may be submitted in any single or cross-disciplinary area which fits within the remit of the participating research councils.

Eligible funding opportunities

Joint UK-Brazil applications are eligible to a number of funding opportunities. Some funding opportunities are open, and others have closing dates.

Please check each individual UK research council funding opportunity and refer to UKRI’s funding finder for further details on for current funding opportunity information.


Applications for funding must be submitted through AHRC Working with Brazilian researchers.


Applications for funding must be submitted through:


EPSRC working with overseas scientists, May 2023: responsive mode

Applications received under the terms of this agreement will be subject to the same terms and conditions and assessment procedures as EPSRC standard research grants.

Further guidance can be found in:


Applications for funding must be submitted through the ESRC responsive mode: working with Brazilian researchers round two.


Applications should be submitted through:


Please note that STFC does not operate a responsive mode funding opportunity. Therefore, you must contact STFC (please see ‘contact details’ section) to discuss possible options.

You should consult the specific funding opportunity guidance and the relevant research council’s guidance to applicants for further information. For key contact details of each of the participating research councils, you should refer to the ‘Contact’ section.

Conditions will vary depending on the research council and funding opportunity to which an application is being submitted.

Please check council’s pre-announcements on responsive mode working with overseas scientists under the new UKRI Funding Service.


Deadlines and budget available will differ depending on the funding opportunity to which an application is being submitted.

You should refer to the funding opportunity guidance for further information.


Costs to be incurred by UK and São Paulo-based applicants must be clearly differentiated in the application and compatible with existing financial practices pertinent to the UKRI councils and FAPESP, respectively.

Costs for the UK applicant should be requested by completing the relevant finance fields of the UKRI application system. All costs being requested from UKRI must be eligible under normal research funding rules.

Costs being requested from FAPESP by São Paulo-based applicants should not be entered into the UKRI application system. The costs to be requested to FAPESP should follow the guidelines established by FAPESP, and needs to be detailed and justified in the proposal submitted to both UKRI and FAPESP.

São Paulo-based applicants should complete the FAPESP-specific forms on costs to be requested from FAPESP when submitting their proposal through the SAGe system and should also be submitted by the UK principal investigator via the UKRI application system.

All costs requested from FAPESP should be eligible under the general rules and procedures for FAPESP research grants (regular, thematic or young investigator grant).

In general terms, costs which can be claimed from FAPESP by São Paulo-based applicants include:

  • equipment and long-term materials (bought in Brazil or imported)
  • consumable materials and supplies (bought in Brazil or imported)
  • third-party services (national or foreign)
  • travel expenses and travel allowances for activities directly related to the development of the proposed research
  • scholarships and fellowships

Wages of any nature, third-party services other than those of a technical and occasional nature, construction works, purchase of publications and administrative materials or, services of any type are not eligible from FAPESP. São Paulo researchers already receive a full salary from their research institutions.

Total value of the project

Further information regarding the total value of the project can be found in the council’s guidance to applicants and specific funding opportunity guidance.

You should ensure you are aware of and follow any internal institutional deadlines that may be in place.

How to apply

Before submitting an application to collaborate with an eligible Brazilian-based researcher from the state of São Paulo, you should review the specific funding opportunity guidance to which an application is being submitted.

Please check specific process guidance for applicants submitting an application to different UKRI research councils.

Please note that EPSRC requires researchers to submit an expression of interest at least three months before their planned joint applications submission date, in order to ensure that researchers meet their respective funding organisation’s eligibility requirements, and that the proposed research falls within EPSRC’s remit.

Submitting your application

Applications should be submitted by the UK project lead or principal investigator using the UKRI application system and by the São Paulo-based project lead or principal investigator to the management support system (SAGe).

The project lead or principal investigator from the UK must also create a complete login in the SAGe system for submissions to FAPESP. This can be done by accessing SAGe in English in the option “Not registered?” and filling all fields marked as mandatory. These should be marked with an asterisk.

After having been nominated as a participant in the research proposal, the UK project lead or principal investigator must confirm participation in the project in the SAGe system.

After completing the SAGe online form and submitting the proposal to FAPESP, the São Paulo-based project lead or principal investigator must generate a PDF copy of that proposal to be attached by the UK principal investigator in their application to the specific UK research council.


The required documents include:

  • FAPESP proposal form, including basic information regarding the proposal and FAPESP consolidated budget, for the costs being requested (please note that this may be a separate budget form, depending on the council submitted to. Please check specific council guidance)
  • FAPESP letter of eligibility, which needs to be uploaded as attachments by the UK applicants
  • further documentation may be required by FAPESP to complete the analysis of the proposal

In 2023, all UKRI research councils will transition from the Joint Electronic Submissions (Je-S) system to the UKRI Funding Service. Please check for Council transition to the new Funding Service details of individual councils’ specific timelines and advice on completing your application in:

There are some differences in the UKRI application system format between participating UKRI research councils. You should ensure the relevant guidelines and requirements for the individual research council covering the remit of your research are followed.

You should ensure you are aware of and follow any internal institutional deadlines that may be in place.

How we will assess your application

Processing of applications

Applications from eligible UK and Brazilian-based researchers from the state of São Paulo should be submitted to the relevant UKRI research council for processing. The participant UKRI research council leads on the processing and assessment of the application on behalf of both organisations.

On receipt of the online application, the UK research council and FAPESP will liaise for:

  • eligibility checks
  • confirmation of the availability of funds should the proposal be recommended for funding
  • nomination of assessors

FAPESP will complete eligibility checks within two weeks and forward names of assessors within a further two weeks.

Once these have been completed, the UK applicants will be contacted, normally by email, if their application cannot be accepted for processing due to eligibility issues. FAPESP will also be informed of any such decision and will then inform the Brazilian-based applicants from the state of São Paulo.

The UKRI research council will approach the relevant number of assessors (at least one of which should be nominated by FAPESP) according to scheme rules and procedures.

Once assessments are completed the proposals will be submitted to the decision-making or advisory body of the UKRI research council.

If appropriate, a FAPESP nominee or representative will be invited to participate in the decision-making process either via correspondence or in person depending on the nature of the scheme and the number, value and ranking of proposals received in relation to the MoU being considered.

FAPESP will confirm whether a nominee or representative will participate in the decision-making process at least two weeks in advance of the decision-making or advisory board meeting.

Assessment criteria

UKRI funds research on a competitive basis using independent assessors. This system is regarded as an international benchmark of excellence in research funding, and this provides a guarantee of the quality of UK research.

The actual criteria of assessment will depend on the individual UKRI research council and scheme to which the application is made. These are normally detailed in the relevant scheme applicant guidance notes.


Once a final decision has been reached, in the case of a positive funding decision, the relevant UKRI research council will notify FAPESP.

Within three weeks, FAPESP will then confirm sign off of the decision, whether successful or unsuccessful, and for successful applications, it will confirm funding and agree award start dates with the UKRI research council.

Under the terms of the agreement FAPESP agrees in principle to accept the results of the assessment process as presented by the relevant UKRI research council.

Once the UKRI research council has confirmation from FAPESP, the issuing of grants to both project leads or principal investigators will be aligned between FAPESP and the respective UKRI research council. The UKRI research council will then issue a decision letter to the UK applicant on behalf of both organisations. A copy of this letter will be sent to FAPESP. This will confirm the proposed start date.

The UKRI research council will issue a grant for the UK component to the UK applicant’s institution according to normal processes and procedures. FAPESP will issue an award for the Brazilian component to the São Paulo-based applicant’s institution according to normal processes and procedures.

In the case of a negative funding decision, the relevant UKRI research council will issue a decision letter to the UK applicant on behalf of both organisations. FAPESP will be notified of the negative outcome.

Post-award management

Grant holders should contact both FAPESP and the UKRI research council concerning any changes to any of the award holders’ institutional affiliations or other aspects of the grant during its lifetime.

If necessary, the funding UKRI research council and FAPESP may consult with each other before agreeing any changes to the grant’s status. This will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis.

Progress and final reports

Where reporting is required by the UKRI research council and FAPESP, it should be submitted according to the normal procedures of those organisations.

The required reporting should cover the whole project and specifically describe and comment on the effectiveness of the international cooperation.

The reporting requirements should be detailed in each of the UKRI research councils and FAPESP’s guidelines for applicants.

Contact details

Get help with developing your proposal

For help and advice on costings and writing your proposal please contact your research office in the first instance, allowing sufficient time for your organisation’s submission process.

Ask about this funding opportunity

Enquiries regarding the submission of applications under the UKRI-FAPESP agreement should be submitted to the respective participating UKRI research council to which an application is being submitted. Please include ‘FAPESP’ in the subject line.















Enquiries regarding FAPESP’s process or implementation of this agreement should be addressed to FAPESP.



Get help with applying through the UKRI funding system

Please check whether the opportunity is via Joint Electronic Submission system (Je-S) or the UKRI Funding Service.



Telephone: +44 (0)1793 444164

UKRI Funding Service


Telephone: +44 (0)1793 547490

Additional info


UKRI and FAPESP are charged with fostering and supporting academic research within their own communities in their respective countries. Both UKRI and FAPESP recognise that the best research may be delivered by working with the best researchers internationally.

UKRI and FAPESP have signed a MoU to welcome and support collaborative applications that may cut across UK and Brazilian national boundaries and involve international collaborative teams.

The MoU provides for a lead agency agreement whereby participant UKRI research councils receive and assess joint applications from eligible UK and Brazil-based researchers from the state of São Paulo on behalf of both organisations.

UKRI and FAPESP will co-fund applications submitted to participant UKRI research councils’ responsive mode funding opportunities via selected funding opportunities.

You may apply until the end of the MoU agreement between UKRI and FAPESP on 31 December 2025, unless otherwise extended. Successful joint projects between UK and Brazil-based researchers from the state of São Paulo that extend past the end of the MoU will continue to be supported by UKRI and FAPESP.

Intellectual property

It is the responsibility of the research organisation, and all engaged in the research, to make every reasonable effort to ensure that the outcomes obtained in the course of the research, whether patentable or not, are used to the advantage of society and the economy. Research outcomes should be disseminated to both research and more widespread audiences, for example, to inform potential users and beneficiaries of the research.

Unless stated otherwise, the ownership of intellectual property, and responsibility for its exploitation, rests with the organisation that generates it. Where the grant is associated with more than one research organisation, project partners or both, the basis of collaboration between the organisations, including ownership of intellectual property and rights to exploitation, is expected to be set out in a formal collaboration agreement.

It is the responsibility of the research organisation to put such an agreement in place before the research begins. The terms of collaboration agreements must not conflict with FAPESP and UKRI terms and conditions.

Arrangements for collaboration, exploitation or both must not prevent the future progression of research and the dissemination of research results in accordance with academic custom and practice. A temporary delay in publication is acceptable in order to allow commercial and collaborative arrangements to be established.

The grant holder should, subject to the procedures laid down by the research organisation, publish the results of the research in accordance with normal academic practice. Publications and other forms of media communication, including media appearances, press releases and conferences, must acknowledge the support received from UKRI and FAPESP, quoting the grant reference number if appropriate.

Applicants in receipt of grants from UKRI and FAPESP must follow the open access requirements of the respective organisations. The specific requirements are dependent on the type of publication. For further information on  For further information on FAPESP’s open access policy, please refer to FAPESP’s website.

The research organisation must ensure that all those associated with the research are aware of, and accept, these arrangements.

Data sharing

Data, including personal data, is shared between UKRI and FAPESP to enable the secure and efficient processing and assessment of applications via a secure transfer mechanism, as appropriate. Information shared may include applicant, panel member and reviewer information, application details and reviewing documents.

UKRI and FAPESP are committed to maintaining data confidentiality, protection and privacy and intend to fully abide by their own applicable laws and policies concerning the sharing of data in collaborative activities.

UKRI and FAPESP carry out the processing of personal data in accordance with the applicable UK General Data Protection Regulation and UK Data Protection Act 2018. FAPESP agrees to treat any information in confidence and according to UK data protection legislation as well as any other law applicable to the protection of intellectual property rights.

Further information on how UKRI processes personal data can be found in the UKRI data protection privacy notice.

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