Applicants should ensure they are aware of and comply with any internal institutional deadlines that may be in place.
You should prepare and submit your proposal using the Research Councils’ Joint Electronic Submission (Je-S) system.
When adding a new proposal, you should go to documents, select ‘new document’, then select:
- council: EPSRC
- document type: standard proposal
- scheme: standard
- call: UK Japan Civil Nuclear Research Programme Phase 8.
After completing the application:
- you must ‘submit document’, which will send your application to your host organisation’s administration
- your host organisation’s administration is required to complete the submission process.
Applicants should allow sufficient time for your organisation’s submission process between submitting your proposal to them and the call closing date.
EPSRC must receive your application by 16:00 on 1 July 2021. Please note that the closing time in Japan may be different from this so please plan your joint submissions accordingly.
Documents to submit
As well as the Je-S application form, the following documents must be submitted.
Case for support
Up to ten sides A4, including:
- a track record (up to two sides of A4) detailing the relevant expertise that the investigator or team will bring to the research programme
- description of the proposed research (up to eight sides of A4), including a national importance statement – read guidance on preparing new proposals to include national importance
The description of the proposed research submitted to EPSRC should match that submitted to JAEA and CLADS, in-so-far as this is possible, given the difference in language. It should also describe the work being done in both Japan and the UK.
For reference, JAEA and CLADS have requested from the Japanese applicants to include:
- aims of joint research theme: describe the research goals and specific results that will be obtained from this collaboration, and how will these contribute to decommissioning of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) and Sellafield
- roles of UK and Japan research teams: describe the role of both UK and Japan based researchers in this project and how collaboration will occur
- research approach: Japanese (research goal and plan), UK (research goal and plan)
- expected outcomes: from the Japanese researchers, from the UK researchers and list the synergistic effects.
Work plan
One side of A4.
Justification of resources
Up to two sides of A4.
Outline of the project
Up to two sides of A4.
This should include details for both the UK and the Japan-based components. This should be uploaded as an ‘other document’. This document can include the requested information from JAEA and CLADs as above or act as a summary.
Optional. Up to two sides of A4.
For any named researchers, visiting researchers and researcher co-investigators, if applicable.
Project partner letter of support
Optional, where applicable. No page limit.
Uploaded as part of the project partner section on Je-S.
Technical assessment for the use of major facilities
Optional, where applicable. No page limit.
How to submit
You should attach your documents as PDFs to avoid errors. They should be completed in single-spaced Arial 11 font or similar-sized sans serif typeface
Read advice on writing proposals.
EPSRC will not fund a project if it believes that there are ethical concerns that have been overlooked or not appropriately accounted for. All relevant parts of the ‘Ethical information’ section must be completed.
Read further guidance on completing the Je-S form.
EPSRC guidance can be found under ‘additional information’.
Please note that on submission to EPSRC all non-PDF documents uploaded onto Je-S are converted to PDF, the use of non-standard fonts may result in errors or font conversion, which could affect the overall length of the document.
Please ensure you adhere to the above attachment requirements when submitting your proposal. Any missing, over length or unnecessary attachments may result in your proposal being rejected.