What happens to my application?
Once you have submitted your application, you’ll receive an email confirmation that is has been received.
We will check that your application is eligible for funding, using the criteria identified in the ‘Who can apply’ section. Incomplete applications will be considered ineligible so please ensure that you complete all sections of the application form with the information requested.
Assessment criteria
Your application will be assessed against the following criteria:
- The researcher demonstrates relevant research expertise and the ability to provide appropriate academic guidance to film teams. For example, the researcher has an academic specialism in a subject that is relevant to the themes of the NHS on Film archive and of the NHS and healthcare, such as the medical humanities, social history, the history of medicine and social care, arts and health, or related subjects within the arts and humanities.
- The researcher has experience of supporting and working collaboratively and flexibly with creative practitioners and arts professionals on projects.
- The researcher has experience of working with archival material in their research and using it to engage with professionals outside of academia or members of the public.
- The researcher has experience of working on community and public engagement projects and an understanding of issues around safeguarding, ethics, access and inclusion.
What happens to my application?
There will be a longlisting and shortlisting process, delivered by AHRC and BFI, to review the applications against the assessment criteria using an agreed scoring system. A shortlist of applications that score highly in the review process will then be invited to interview in the first week of March 2023.
Successful applicant
If you are successful in your application you will be made an offer of funding, in writing, by AHRC. This will include the terms of conditions of the funding and details of how you’ll be supported by AHRC and BFI during the project.
Your institution will be asked to submit a quote which will be used to raise a purchase order. Your institution will then be asked to submit an invoice using the purchase order number and payment will be issued to your institution.
You will be required to join an orientation meeting with AHRC and BFI and the successful film teams. This will take place, either face to face or virtually, in spring 2023. It will cover topics including:
- communications and branding (use of logos, references on websites and social media)
- engaging communities
- planning around the projects
- use of archival material from the BFI’s NHS on Film archive
- evaluation
Details will also be shared around planned engagement activities for when the films are ready to be released in November 2023: both in the places where they have been filmed and at a possible event at BFI Southbank in London.
At the orientation meeting we will explore with you around keeping in touch days. These are intended as an opportunity to update on progress as the production schedule and delivery against the budget plans; and for an exchange of ideas.