Funding opportunity

Funding opportunity: Addressing environmental challenges: NERC highlight topics 2024

Apply for funding to address one of five environmental research challenges.

We encourage multidisciplinary research and collaborations with other UK organisations. Other international and non-academic collaborators can be involved as project partners.

We encourage applications from diverse groups of researchers.

The maximum full economic cost (FEC) of your project can be up to £2.35 million or up to £4.7 million, depending on the topic you choose. We will fund 80% of the FEC.

Your project can last up to four years.

Who can apply

Before applying for funding, check the following:

You may be involved in no more than two applications submitted to this funding opportunity. Only one of these can be as a project lead.

The inclusion of researcher co-leads is encouraged where they have made a substantial intellectual contribution to the development of the application and will be engaged with the ensuing research.

UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) has introduced new role types for funding opportunities being run on the new UKRI Funding Service.

For full details, visit eligibility as an individual.

Who is eligible to apply

This funding opportunity is open to research groups and individuals. We:

  • encourage multidisciplinary research teams and collaborations with other UK organisations
  • welcome applications from individuals at any career stage, subject to NERC eligibility criteria and from diverse groups of researchers

Project partners fund their own involvement. We will only fund minor incidental expenses, such as some travel costs, if needed for project partners.

International applicants

We do not fund overseas organisations, except for specific costs for project co-leads from Norway and the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA). Read more about this in the NERC eligibility guidance for applicants.

You should include all other international collaborators (or UK partners not based at approved organisations) as project partners.

Equality, diversity and inclusion

We are committed to achieving equality of opportunity for all funding applicants. We encourage applications from a diverse range of researchers.

We support people to work in a way that suits their personal circumstances. This includes:

  • career breaks
  • support for people with caring responsibilities
  • flexible working
  • alternative working patterns

Find out more about equality, diversity and inclusion at UKRI and NERC’s diversity and inclusion action plan.

What we're looking for

Highlight topics

We have selected five highlight topics of equal priority for this funding opportunity.

Your application must address issues within a single highlight topic. We will not accept applications addressing more than one highlight topic.

If there are multiple successful applications within a highlight topic, then they must be independent applications that deliver stand-alone projects.

The highlight topics in this funding opportunity are:

  • A: evaluation of oxidation in the tropics to improve projections of atmospheric composition
  • B: marine-based ice sheet contributions to past, present and future sea-level rise
  • C: signal to noise errors and implications for climate predictions and projections
  • D: understanding the threat of Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in the environment
  • E: pollutant deposition enhancement to upland ecosystems

Use of novel, critical technologies in your application (applicable to all highlight topics)

UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) is seeking to support researchers and innovators to develop and make use of novel, critical technologies including artificial intelligence, engineering biology, future telecoms, semiconductors and quantum technologies throughout its investment portfolio. NERC has set out its aspirations for the future of data and technology in environmental science in its Digital Strategy 2021–2030. In developing your application to any of the highlight topics you should consider how the innovative use of critical technologies, and approaches addressing the ambitions of NERC’s digital strategy, might offer opportunities to address your research questions in new and novel ways. This might include the development of new collaborations across domains and disciplines.

Read more about the five highlight topics.

Topic A: evaluation of oxidation in the tropics to improve projections of atmospheric composition


To improve quantitative understanding of atmospheric oxidation in the tropics to better predict trends in future atmospheric composition in response to climate change and development in tropical countries.

Strategic context

The oxidative capacity of the atmosphere determines the rate of removal, and hence controls the abundance, of most trace gas species, including important climate forcers and air pollutants. For gases such as methane, carbon monoxide and non-methane hydrocarbons (NMHC), oxidation is initiated overwhelmingly by reaction with the hydroxyl radical (OH) in the troposphere. The tropical troposphere dominates this global oxidising capacity, but is also the most sparsely measured region historically, and is the region where models significantly differ in their simulations. Recent work assessing the range of model simulated OH (which varies by 40%) concluded that the uncertainty in global OH distributions, variability and trends is a key limitation in understanding the global methane budget, with implications for climate prediction and the identification of the best methane mitigation targets and policies. Explaining the unprecedented atmospheric growth of methane in 2020 and 2021 has reignited the fierce debate about the importance of changes in OH versus increasing emissions.

Recent work has highlighted that the tropics are changing fast, driven by a broad range of economic and climate processes. The current deficiencies in knowledge of OH has been highlighted by the NASA Atmospheric Tomography Mission in 2016 to 2018 that provided snapshots across the tropics. Analyses of airborne and satellite observations inferred large variations in OH, demonstrating how these data can aid process-level understanding. The past five years has seen major developments in airborne and satellite measurement capabilities and analysis, giving the potential to deliver unique scientific contributions that will fundamentally change our fine-scale understanding of current tropical atmospheric oxidation capacity and composition, which is key to improving future predictions.


To quantify the atmospheric oxidising capacity of the troposphere in the tropics and explore changes in oxidative chemistry across the tropics. Use these data to deliver process-level improvements and measurement-informed validation to models that can be used to assess and track oxidising capacity in the troposphere of the tropics and hence enable us to better predict trends in future atmospheric composition in response to climate change and development in tropical countries.

Research questions to address

What is the current oxidising capacity of the tropics and how is it changing?

What is the current lifetime of key pollutants, including methane, against oxidation in the tropical troposphere?

What are the drivers of change in OH across the tropics, and how will they likely change in the future?

What does new understanding of atmospheric oxidation mean for future concentrations of climate-relevant pollutants, and how does this impact future climate prediction?

How can new observations facilitate the assessment of oxidative capacity and what future tools would allow dynamic assessments?


There can be up to two projects looking at this topic. Each project should:

  • tackle all research questions
  • be up to the value of £2.35 million (100% full economic cost)

If you require the use of the NERC FAAM Airborne Laboratory or the National Centre for Earth Observation (NCEO) Airborne Earth Observatory, see the details in the ‘Services and facilities’ section.

Topic B: marine-based ice sheet contributions to past, present and future sea-level rise


To improve forecasts of the future rate and extent of ice loss from the West Antarctic Ice Sheet to reduce uncertainties in future sea level rise prediction.

Strategic context

The largest uncertainty in 21st century sea-level rise predictions is future ice loss from the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS), the world’s only remaining marine-based ice sheet. Significant progress has been made in understanding the processes involved in current rapid ice loss and its past context in the Amundsen Sea sector of the WAIS through the NERC and NSF-funded International Thwaites Glacier Collaboration (ITGC).

An outstanding opportunity to now gain insight into the future of Thwaites Glacier and the WAIS, building on the progress made through ITGC, is presented by the neighbouring, relatively poorly-studied, Bellingshausen Sea sector. Most ice that occupied a marine-based drainage basin here during the Last Glacial Maximum, and flowed out through an ice stream of comparable size to Thwaites Glacier, has since been lost, presenting the opportunity to examine an actual example of marine-based retreat through geological and geophysical methods.

Incursion of warm water onto the continental shelf, thought to have driven ice retreat, continues today, and indeed is driving even more rapidly accelerating retreat of the remaining ice than in the Amundsen Sea as evidenced by satellite remote-sensing data over the past decade.

The accessible Bellingshausen Sea continental margin, containing a greater than 100 km-wide, deep trough mouth, provides an excellent opportunity to examine how interactions between oceanographic processes and bathymetry, and long-term decline in sea-ice extent, control warm water incursion. Benthic organisms on the Bellingshausen Sea shelf could provide the key to confirming WAIS collapse during past interglacial periods through genetic comparisons to those in the Ross and Weddell Sea shelves.

Numerical models used to predict marine ice sheet retreat are validated mostly against changes observed over the past 30 years. Some ice-sheet responses to drivers operate over longer periods and there are no observations of extensive retreat of a marine-based ice sheet to validate models against, hence the need for this research topic, which will require marine geoscience, physical oceanographic and benthic biological research.


To improve forecasts of the future rate and extent of ice loss from the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) by examining the Bellinghausen Sea sector of the WAIS. This will involve examination of how interactions between oceanographic processes and bathymetry, and long-term decline in sea-ice extent of the WAIS, control warm water incursion across the continental shelf, as well as determining if benthic organisms on the Bellingshausen Sea shelf of the WAIS could provide the key to confirming WAIS collapse during past interglacial periods, through genetic comparisons to those in the Ross and Weddell Sea shelves.

Research questions to address

How sensitive is a marine-based ice sheet to drivers and how fast can it retreat?

How do mesoscale processes transport warm water onto and across the continental shelf?

How do sea-ice decline feedbacks impact ice-sheet retreat, water column structure and ecology?

Did seaways develop across West Antarctica during previous interglacial periods, implying WAIS collapse?


There should be one project looking at this topic. The project should:

  • tackle all research questions
  • be up to the value of £4.7 million (100% full economic cost)

If you require the use of NERC’s marine facilities or Antarctic logistic support, see the details in the ‘Services and facilities’ section.

We encourage researchers to consider applications that require only modest associated ship time by taking advantage of:

Topic C: signal to noise errors and implications for climate predictions and projections


To explain the signal to noise error in climate predictions and to quantify its effect on long term climate projections.

Strategic context

A large and growing body of evidence shows that climate predictions spanning seasonal, interannual and multiyear timescales systematically underpredict the strength of observed climate variations. This problem exists across multiple long-range forecast systems and multiple regions of the globe, with poor performance appearing to stem from underprediction of atmospheric circulation patterns including the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO).

The resulting low signal-to-noise ratios limit the use of long-range climate forecasts for climate services and point to untapped potential at critical planning timescales between weather and climate. This problem forces prediction centres to generate substantially larger ensemble sizes and create post processing recalibration methods to try to compensate. It also affects the validity of attribution statements produced by the same climate models and undermines climate projections.

If models underestimate the predictable signal of the NAO as has been suggested, then current regional climate projections would greatly underestimate future extreme events. The so-called “signal-to-noise paradox” in climate prediction is therefore a fundamental knowledge gap with wide ranging and societally relevant consequences. A physical explanation for this error and its implications for multidecadal climate change is still unknown.


To deliver a physical explanation for the signal to noise error in climate predictions and to quantify its effect on long term climate projections. Develop improved methods to correct for the signal to noise error in current ensemble predictions and experiment with the latest climate models to determine sensitivity to model formulation and resolution. This topic aims to find a pathway to eradicate the signal to noise problem and deliver more reliable and accurate climate predictions and projections for the Atlantic/European sector and wider regions affected on longer timescales.

Research questions to address

There is currently no explanation for the spurious weak signals in ensemble climate predictions. Key questions under this topic could include:

What physical mechanisms could lead to the signal to noise errors in climate predictions, for example, lack of ocean-atmosphere interaction, a lack of atmospheric eddy feedback, the representation of remote teleconnections?

Do the same signal to noise errors affect long term climate projections?

How does the signal-to-noise error manifest in different regions?

Is multidecadal variability and the forced climate change response affected?

What are the implications for UK and wider European climate projections?

What aspects of global circulation models are these errors sensitive to (for example, parametrisations, resolution)?

What ensemble sizes are needed for optimal climate predictions in light of these errors?

How to best recalibrate predictions for these errors using simple or machine learning methods?

How do we develop climate models without these errors?


There can be up to two projects looking at this topic. Each project should:

  • tackle appropriate research questions that would enable the objective to be met and address the full scope of this topic
  • be up to the value of £2.35 million (100% full economic cost)

Topic D: understanding the threat of Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in the environment


To understand the key environmental fate processes and biological effects of the per‐ and poly‐fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS).

Strategic context

Per‐ and poly‐fluoroalkyl substance (PFAS) compounds encompass a large, heterogeneous group of thousands of chemicals. For the few PFAS compounds that have been investigated to date, there is convincing evidence that they are ubiquitous in the environment, are increasing in their prevalence and can bioaccumulate in organisms. They can impact on important biochemical pathways and can reach concentrations known to cause biological effects in exposed wildlife.

The sheer structural diversity of PFAS compounds makes understanding the key environmental fate processes and biological effects of this substance group especially complex. This means there remain substantial gaps in our knowledge on fate and effects of the sources and precursors, transport, transformation products and degradation of PFAS chemicals within the environment. With PFASs still in widespread use, we need to increase our fundamental understanding of how compounds in this class behave in, move through and impact on, the terrestrial, freshwater and marine environment if we are to address the risks they pose and how they can be identified, mitigated and managed in future.


To determine how different PFAS compounds behave in the environment and affect species with different exposure profiles and physiological and ecological traits. This will include research into the fate and effects of the sources and precursors, transport, transformation products and degradation of PFAS chemicals to determine how compounds in this class behave in, move through and impact on, the terrestrial, freshwater and marine environment. An interdisciplinary research approach that unifies chemistry, ecotoxicology, biochemistry/molecular biology, ecology, and aspects of geography, hydrology and atmospheric science, is encouraged to determine the environmental fate and toxicity assessment of PFAS compounds.

Research questions to address

How can analytical methods (for example, total organic fluorine, targeted and untargeted mass spectrometry) be optimised and combined to detect released PFAS sources and precursors and their intermediate and terminal degradation products in the environment?

Are there relationships between PFAS compound structure (for example, carbon chain length, branch structure, presence of “functional groups” and so on), their behaviours and reactivities (for example, persistence, bioaccumulation, mobility, toxicity that govern the fate and transport of PFASs in the environment (including wastes)) and their potential to be taken up and cause adverse effects in organisms?

How can information on emissions, release pathways and the physiochemical properties and environmental behaviours of PFAS be used to better model the multimedia distributions and subsequent bioavailability of PFAS, especially given that models for predicting bioaccumulation based on partitioning theory have been shown to be insufficient for PFAS?

Can our knowledge of the uptake and toxic modes of action of different PFAS compounds be improved using a systems biology framework, so that more reliable and ecologically relevant thresholds for sensitive species and wider ecological effects can be identified?


There can be up to two projects looking at this topic. Each project should:

  • tackle all research questions
  • be up to the value of £2.35 million (100% full economic cost)

Topic E: pollutant deposition enhancement to upland ecosystems


To achieve a better quantification, understanding and model representation of the processes driving atmospheric deposition of pollutants to UK uplands.

Strategic context

UK uplands and heaths are key natural capital assets with an estimated benefit value of £20 billion and make a widely recognised important contribution to ecosystem services, such as carbon sequestration and clean water delivery.

Atmospheric deposition of pollutants to these landscapes constitutes a major loss in terms of atmospheric components at regional scales. It also dominates inputs to these environments, with impacts on biodiversity, ecosystem health and services. It is estimated that more than 80% of the UK’s sensitive ecosystems remain unprotected against the impacts of reactive nitrogen deposition on biodiversity and ecosystem services.

In complex upland topography, deposition of pollutants is significantly increased compared with flat surfaces, due to increased turbulence, additional precipitation and washout processes, and deposition via hill fog. Yet, most upland models apply deposition rates determined over flat terrain where existing experimental methods can be readily used.

Defra’s Natural Capital and Ecosystem Assessment (NCEA) has identified a significant knowledge gap in the underlying research that needs a scientific advance, suggesting that upland deposition is significantly underestimated, and recognising the need to improve our understanding of key processes controlling deposition to such complex environments. NCEA work suggests an underestimation of the deposition of reactive nitrogen alone causes additional economic impacts in the order of £160 million to £600 million per year.


To better understand and quantify the processes that enhance atmospheric deposition of pollutants to UK upland areas, associated with complex terrain, high wind speeds and fog. Measurement technologies to provide robust deposition measurements at remote and windy upland sites will need to be developed and applied. It is suggested that environmental science areas that need to be addressed include, but are not limited to, high-resolution numerical modelling of rainfall or washout processes, large-scale community measurement campaigns of detailed atmospheric composition and processes, technical development of robust measurement methods, the use of catchment flows and hydrological models to constrain catchment deposition as well as the imaginative use and development of proxies for deposition. Technologies and approaches identified here can be used to address the following questions.

Research questions to address

How can the meteorological controls of upland deposition processes, such as orographic rainfall, orographic cloud formation and localised transport and turbulence, be modelled accurately?

What are the washout processes governing wet deposition at upland sites and how can they be better represented in models?

How large is the dry deposition enhancement in complex terrain over flat-earth conditions currently assumed in dry deposition models, and how can a correction be implemented into atmospheric chemistry and transport models?

What factors control the deposition of pollutants via fog droplets in complex terrain and how can it be represented in atmospheric chemistry and transport models?

How can proxies (for example radioisotope budgets, concentrations in bio-accumulators such as mosses, foliar nitrogen composition and so on) reliably constrain pollutant deposition in complex terrain?

What measurement methods and technologies can be adapted or developed to provide reliable measurements of wet or bulk and dry deposition as well as air concentration in the uplands, often characterised by high wind speeds and high humidity and lack of mains power, to constrain model estimates and to provide robust validation data for improved modelling approaches?


There can be up to two projects looking at this topic. Each project should:

  • tackle all research questions
  • be up to the value of £2.35 million (100% full economic cost)

If you require the use of the NERC FAAM Airborne Laboratory, see the details in the ‘Services and facilities’ section.


The maximum duration of this award is four years for all highlight topics.

It is anticipated that grants will be able to start from October 2025, but it should be noted that start dates for all successful grants will only be confirmed following discussion with NERC regarding project requirements. For those projects requiring use of large research infrastructure, start dates will be dependent on access to infrastructure being scheduled and confirmed.

Funding available

See each highlight topic for details of available funding. Note that indexation rates will be applied to individual awards, as is the case for all UKRI awards, and the funding limits outlined allow for these to be applied. The 100% full economic cost of individual awards will therefore be either £2.5 million or £5 million when indexation has been applied.

What we will fund

We will fund 80% of the full economic cost for UK organisations for:

  • directly incurred costs such as staff payroll, travel and subsistence, and consumables
  • directly allocated costs such as project leads’ and co-leads’ salaries, estates costs and shared resources
  • indirect costs such as research organisation administration

We will fund:

  • UK equipment (items over £10,000) at 50% full economic cost
  • facilities costs
  • cruise costs

What we will not fund

We will not fund:

  • PhD studentship costs (You cannot request associated studentships under this funding opportunity)

Eligible international project co-lead costs (under the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis or Norway agreement) are funded at 100% for eligible direct costs and can be a maximum of 30% of the full economic cost value for all international costs.

For eligible international project co-lead, we will fund:

  • project co-lead salaries
  • directly incurred costs (for example, travel and subsistence, consumables)
  • research and innovation associate

We will not fund:

  • estates and other indirect costs
  • capital costs
  • equipment over £10,000 (anything under £10,000 can be requested under directly incurred costs)

Costs associated with any international project co-lead should be entered as an exception and using a specific format:

  • the University of XXX
  • country: travel and subsistence
  • four flights to partners
An example of how we would fund international partnership
Cost type Requested costs Funding if successful
UK projects (funded at 80%) £4,000 (100% full economic cost) £3,200
UK equipment (funded at 50%) £300 (100% full economic cost) £150
IIASA or Norway (co-investigator costs funded at 100% full economic cost) £700 (100% direct costs) £700
Total £5,000 £4,050

Services and facilities

You can apply to use a NERC facility or service in your funding application.

You should discuss your application with the facility or service at the earliest opportunity and at least two months before the funding opportunity’s closing date, so, by 9 August 2024, to:

  • discuss the proposed work in detail
  • receive confirmation that they can provide the services required within the timeframe of the funding

The facility will provide a technical assessment that includes the calculated cost of providing the service. NERC services and facilities must be costed within the limits of the funding.

You should not submit the technical assessment with the application, but you must confirm that you have received it.

For more information, see the NERC research grants and fellowships handbook.

Read the full list of NERC facilities that require a technical assessment.

High Performance Computing (HPC), Ship-Time or Marine Equipment (SME), FAAM Airborne Laboratory, NCEO Airborne Earth ObservatoryAntarctic Logistic support and the large research facilities at Harwell have their own policies for access and costing. Please note that the NCEO Airborne Earth Observatory is not a NERC facility. You must still include the cost of its use within the limits of funding and confirm in your application that you have received agreement from the facility for its use.

Ship-time and marine facilities

Applications may require ship-time and other marine facilities. If you need to use NERC’s marine facilities, you must complete an online ship-time and marine equipment (SME) or autonomous deployment (ADF) application form available from Marine Facilities Planning. Include the SME or ADF number on the ‘Facilities’ section of your application and attach a PDF of the SME or ADF as a facility form to your application. The costs associated with completed SME and ADF forms must be included within the funding limit of the highlight topic.

For those projects requiring use of large research infrastructure (including ship-time), actual start dates will be dependent on access to infrastructure being scheduled and confirmed. You should consider that the access to NERC’s marine facilities is unlikely to be possible before the 2027/28 NERC Marine Facilities Programme. You therefore need to engage with NERC Marine Planning (email: as soon as possible to discuss an appropriate proposed start date for your project. This will make sure that a realistic assessment of the availability of marine facilities in the year or years required is central to the development of your science plans.

You must submit your SME and ADF applications to NERC Marine Planning at least two months before the funding opportunity closing date, so, by 9 August 2024.

British Antarctic Survey (BAS) Antarctic logistics support

If you require NERC BAS Antarctic logistics support you must complete a pre-award operational support planning questionnaire (OSPQ) online.

You must email the Antarctic Access Office (AAO) (email: at BAS stating your name, institution and project title.

The AAO will set up a new and numbered pre-award OSPQ and send the link to you along with instructions for completion. Further detail on the OSPQ process can be found on the BAS website.

The questionnaire should be submitted to no later than three months prior to the funding opportunity closing date, so, by 9 July 2024. Any highlight topic application that requests Antarctic logistic support without having received prior logistic approval, will not be awarded.

If your project is completely ship-based there is no need for you to submit a pre-award OSPQ. If your activity is both field and ship-based you will need to complete the pre-award OSPQ (for field) and the NERC Marine Facilities forms.

You should also be aware of the NERC update on polar research planning.

FAAM Airborne Laboratory

If you intend to apply to use the FAAM Airborne Laboratory you will need to start the process by contacting the FAAM Operations Manager (email: at least six months before the funding opportunity closing date (so, by 9 April 2024) and at least 18 months before the proposed start of flying. Early contact will allow the FAAM team to share information on timetabling, technical details and costs. You will need to take the availability of FAAM into account in your research plans within your application.

You must follow the guidance for applying to use this facility on NERC research grants – FAAM.

NCEO Airborne Earth Observatory

Should you wish to explore the use of the NCEO Airborne Earth Observatory in your proposed research, please see the contact details available here NCEO Airborne Earth Observatory. You must make early contact with NCEO and you will need to take the availability into account in your research plans within your application. Please note that you must follow, and comply with, the application procedure for use of this instrumentation, including the deadline for submission of your request to use it.

Potential projects that envisage an aircraft measurement capability may wish to contact the NCEO Airborne Earth Observatory if remote sensing is envisaged, or FAAM or BAS (contact details given in this section) if only in situ sampling is envisaged. Early enquiries are encouraged to discuss specific project requirements and whether the required capabilities are available.

Supporting skills and talent

We encourage you to follow the principles of the Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers and the Technician Commitment.

Data management

You must adhere to UKRI open research policy and NERC data policy and complete the ‘Data management and sharing’ question.

For details of data centres, see the NERC Environmental Data Service.

We will pay the data centre directly on behalf of the programme for archival and curation services, but you should ensure that you request sufficient resource to cover preparation of data for archiving by the research team. Additional services from the data centres, such as database development or a specialist in project data management during your project, will need to be discussed with the relevant data centre prior to submission, costs for additional services will need to be funded from your grant.

Responsible research

Through our funding processes, we seek to make a positive contribution to society and the environment. This is not just through research outputs and outcomes but through the way in which research is conducted and facilities managed.

All NERC grant holders are to adopt responsible research practices as set out in the NERC responsible business statement.

Responsible research is defined as reducing harm or enhancing benefit on the environment and society through effective management of research activities and facilities. Specifically, this covers:

  • the natural environment
  • the local community
  • equality, diversity and inclusion

You should consider the responsible research context of your project, not the host institution as a whole. You should take action to enhance your responsible research approach where practical and reasonable.

Research disruption due to COVID-19

We recognise that the COVID-19 pandemic has caused major interruptions and disruptions across our communities. We are committed to ensuring that individual applicants and their wider team, including partners and networks, are not penalised for any disruption to their career, such as:

  • breaks and delays
  • disruptive working patterns and conditions
  • the loss of ongoing work
  • role changes that may have been caused by the pandemic

Reviewers and panel members will be advised to consider the unequal impacts that COVID-19 related disruption might have had on the capability to deliver and career development of those individuals included in the application. They will be asked to consider the capability of the applicant, and their wider team, to deliver the research they are proposing.

Where disruptions have occurred, you can highlight this within your application if you wish, but there is no requirement to detail the specific circumstances that caused the disruption.

How to apply

We are running this funding opportunity on the new UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) Funding Service. You cannot apply on the Joint Electronic Submissions (Je-S) system.
The project lead is responsible for completing the application process on the Funding Service, but we expect all team members and project partners to contribute to the application.

Only the lead research organisation can submit an application to UKRI.

Watch our recording on how to apply for an opportunity in the Funding Service.

To apply

Select ‘Start application’ near the beginning of this Funding finder page.

  1. Confirm you are the project lead.
  2. Sign in or create a Funding Service account. To create an account, select your organisation, verify your email address, and set a password. If your organisation is not listed, email
    Allow at least 10 working days for your organisation to be added to the Funding Service.
  3. Answer questions directly in the text boxes. You can save your answers and come back to complete them or work offline and return to copy and paste your answers. If we need you to upload a document, follow the upload instructions in the Funding Service. All questions and assessment criteria are listed in the ‘How to apply’ section on this Funding finder page.
  4. Allow enough time to check your application in ‘read-only’ view before sending to your research office.
  5. Send the completed application to your research office for checking. They will return it to you if it needs editing.
  6. Your research office will submit the completed and checked application to UKRI.

Where indicated, you can also demonstrate elements of your responses in visual form if relevant. You should:

  • use images sparingly and only to convey important information that cannot easily be put into words
  • insert each new image onto a new line
  • provide a descriptive legend for each image immediately underneath it (this counts towards your word limit)
  • ensure that files are smaller than 5MB and in JPEG, JPG, JPE, JFI, JIF, JFIF, PNG, GIF, BMP or WEBP format

Watch our research office webinars about the new Funding Service.

For more guidance on the Funding Service, see:


We must receive your application by 9 October 2024 at 4:00pm UK time.

You will not be able to apply after this time. Make sure you are aware of and follow any internal institutional deadlines.

Following the submission of your application to the funding opportunity, your application cannot be changed, and applications will not be returned for amendment. If your application does not follow the guidance, it may be rejected.

Personal data

NERC, as part of UKRI, will need to collect some personal information to manage your Funding Service account and the registration of your funding applications.

We will handle personal data in line with UK data protection legislation and manage it securely. For more information, including how to exercise your rights, read our privacy notice.

Publication of outcomes

NERC, as part of UKRI, will publish the outcomes of this funding opportunity on What NERC has funded.

If your application is successful, we will publish some personal information on the UKRI Gateway to Research.


Word limit: 550

In plain English, provide a summary that we can use to identify the most suitable experts to assess your application.

We may make this summary publicly available on external-facing websites, so make it suitable for a variety of readers, for example:

  • opinion-formers
  • policymakers
  • the public
  • the wider research community

Guidance for writing a summary

Clearly describe your proposed work in terms of:

  • context
  • the challenge the project addresses
  • aims and objectives
  • fit to the scope of the highlight topic that your project addresses
  • potential applications and benefits

This summary may be made publicly available on external-facing websites. Write with disclosure in mind and make sure readers of all levels can understand it.

Core team

List the key members of your team and assign them roles from the following:

  • project lead (PL)
  • project co-lead (UK) (PcL)
  • project co-lead (international) (PcL (I))
  • specialist
  • grant manager
  • professional enabling staff
  • research and innovation associate
  • technician
  • researcher co-lead (RcL)
  • visiting researcher

Only list one individual as project lead.

The project lead is responsible for setting up and completing the application process on the Funding Service.

The PcL (I) role should only be used for applications making use of the UKRI-RCN Money Follows Cooperation agreement or the UKRI-IIASA agreement. We do not otherwise accept project co-lead (international) applicants.

Find out more about UKRI’s core team roles in funding applications.

Application questions

Your Highlight Topic

Word limit: 1

Select which highlight topic your application aligns to.

What the assessors are looking for in your response

In the text box enter the relevant letter, from ‘A’ to ‘E,’ corresponding to the highlight topic your application aligns to, from this list:

  • Topic A: evaluation of oxidation in the tropics to improve projections of atmospheric composition
  • Topic B: marine-based ice sheet contributions to past, present and future sea-level rise
  • Topic C: signal to noise errors and implications for climate predictions and projections
  • Topic D: understanding the threat of Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in the environment
  • Topic E: pollutant deposition enhancement to upland ecosystems


Word limit: 1,000

What are you hoping to achieve with your proposed work?

What the assessors are looking for in your response

For the Vision, explain how your proposed work:

  • is of excellent quality and importance within or beyond the field(s) or area(s)
  • has the potential to advance current understanding, or generate new knowledge, thinking or discovery within or beyond the field or area
  • is timely given current trends, context, and needs
  • impacts world-leading research, society, the economy, or the environment

Within the Vision section we also expect you to:

  • explain how and to what extent the proposed research aligns to the detailed highlight topic area
  • identify the potential direct or indirect benefits and who the beneficiaries might be

You may demonstrate elements of your responses in visual form if relevant. Further details are provided in the ‘How to apply’ section.


Word limit: 3,000

How are you going to deliver your proposed work?

What the assessors are looking for in your response

Explain how you have designed your approach so that it:

  • is effective and appropriate to achieve your objectives
  • is feasible, and comprehensively identifies any risks to delivery and how they will be managed
  • uses a clearly written and transparent methodology (if applicable)
  • summarises the previous work and describes how this will be built upon and progressed (if applicable)
  • will maximise translation of outputs into outcomes and impacts
  • describes how your, and if applicable your team’s, research environment (in terms of the place and relevance to the project) will contribute to the success of the work

Within the Approach section we also expect you to:

  • demonstrate access to the appropriate services, facilities, infrastructure, or equipment to deliver the proposed work
  • show that you have considered how the innovative use of critical technologies, and approaches addressing the ambitions of NERC’s Digital Strategy, might offer opportunities to address your research questions in new and novel ways
  • describe key milestones where you may need to make decisions, track, or evaluate progress

You may demonstrate elements of your responses in visual form if relevant. Further details are provided in the ‘How to apply’ section.

Applicant and team capability to deliver

Word limit: 1,500 (1,000 words to be used for R4RI modules and, if necessary, a further 500 words for Additions)

Why are you the right individual or team to successfully deliver the proposed work?

What the assessors are looking for in your response

Evidence of how you, and if relevant your team, have:

  • the relevant experience (appropriate to career stage) to deliver the proposed work
  • the right balance of skills and expertise to cover the proposed work
  • the appropriate leadership and management skills to deliver the work and your approach to develop others
  • contributed to developing a positive research environment and wider community

You may demonstrate elements of your responses in visual form if relevant. Further details are provided in the ‘How to apply’ section.

The word count for this section is 1,500 words: 1,000 words to be used for R4RI modules and, if necessary, a further 500 words for Additions.

Use the Résumé for Research and Innovation (R4RI) format to showcase the range of relevant skills you and, if relevant, your team (project and project co-leads, researchers, technicians, specialists, partners and so on) have and how this will help deliver the proposed work. You can include individuals’ specific achievements but only choose past contributions that best evidence their ability to deliver this work.

Complete this section using the R4RI module headings listed. Use each heading once and include a response for the whole team, see the UKRI guidance on R4RI. You should consider how to balance your answer, and emphasise where appropriate the key skills each team member brings:

  • contributions to the generation of new ideas, tools, methodologies, or knowledge
  • the development of others and maintenance of effective working relationships
  • contributions to the wider research and innovation community
  • contributions to broader research or innovation users and audiences and towards wider societal benefit

Provide any further details relevant to your application. This section is optional and can be up to 500 words. You should not use it to describe additional skills, experiences, or outputs, but you can use it to describe any factors that provide context for the rest of your R4RI (for example, details of career breaks if you wish to disclose them).

Complete this as a narrative. Do not format it like a CV.

UKRI has introduced new role types for funding opportunities being run on the Funding Service.

For full details, see Eligibility as an individual.

Ethics and responsible research and innovation (RRI)

Word limit: 500

What are the ethical or RRI implications and issues relating to the proposed work? If you do not think that the proposed work raises any ethical or RRI issues, explain why.

What the assessors are looking for in your response

Demonstrate that you have identified and evaluated:

  • the relevant ethical or responsible research and innovation considerations
  • how you will manage these considerations
  • consideration for preventing environmental harm and enhancing environmental benefit in line with NERC’s responsible business statement

If you are collecting or using data, identify:

  • any legal and ethical considerations of collecting, releasing or storing the data including consent, confidentiality, anonymisation, security and other ethical considerations and, in particular, strategies to not preclude further reuse of data
  • formal information standards with which your study will comply

State the names of any bodies you will require approval from and whether you already have it. If it is not yet in place, then give an indicative timeframe for when it will be.

You may demonstrate elements of your responses in visual form if relevant. Further details are provided in the ‘How to apply’ section.

Project partners

Provide details about any project partners’ contributions.

Add details about any project partners’ contributions. If there are no project partners, you can indicate this on the Funding Service.

A project partner is a collaborating organisation who will have an integral role in the proposed research. This may include direct (cash) or indirect (in-kind) contributions such as expertise, staff time or use of facilities.

Add the following project partner details:

  • organisation name and address (searchable via a drop-down list or enter the organisation’s details manually, as applicable)
  • project partner contact name and email address
  • type of contribution (direct or indirect) and its monetary value

If a detail is entered incorrectly and you have saved the entry, remove the specific project partner record and re-add it with the correct information.

For audit purposes, UKRI requires formal collaboration agreements to be put in place if an award is made.


Word limit: 250

Does your proposed research require the support and use of a facility?

What the assessors are looking for in your response

If you do not need to use a facility, simply add ‘N/A’ into the text box, mark this section as complete and move to the next section.

If you will need to use a facility, follow your proposed facility’s normal access request procedures. Ensure you have prior agreement so that if you are offered funding, they will support the use of their facility on your project.

For each requested facility you will need to provide the:

  • name of facility, copied and pasted from the facility information list (DOCX, 37KB)
  • proposed usage or costs, or costs per unit where indicated on the facility information list
  • confirmation you have their agreement where required

If you need to use the NCEO Airborne Earth Observatory, also include the information listed in these bullets.

If you have to attach a facility form, for example NERC ship-time and marine equipment, then upload it as a PDF. If you need to upload multiple forms, then combine them into a single PDF.

Upload guidance

Upload a single PDF containing facility forms ensuring it is no larger than 8MB, if applicable.

For the file name, use the unique Funding Service number the system gives to your application when you create an application, immediately followed by the words ‘facility forms’. Then use the ‘upload’ button.

Unless specifically requested, do not include any personal data within the attachment.

Once you have uploaded, mark this section as complete and move to the next one.

Data management and sharing

Word limit: 500

How will you manage and share data collected or acquired through the proposed research?

What the assessors are looking for in your response

A data management plan that clearly details how you will comply with UKRI’s published data sharing policy (which includes detailed guidance notes).


  • which NERC data centre is required to archive the data
  • whether the total volume of data is likely to be larger than 1TB
  • any other detail on how you will comply with NERC data policy

Resources and cost justification

Word limit: 2,000

What will you need to deliver your proposed work and how much will it cost?

What the assessors are looking for in your response

Justify the application’s more costly resources, in particular:

  • project staff
  • significant travel for field work or collaboration (but not regular travel between collaborating organisations or to conferences)
  • any equipment that will cost more than £10,000
  • any consumables beyond typical requirements, or that are required in exceptional quantities
  • all facilities and infrastructure costs
  • all resources that have been costed as ‘Exceptions’

If you have equipment costs, input these under the ‘Directly Incurred’ heading on the Funding Service. This will allow them to be costed at 50% at the awarding stage (and ignore the 80% FEC displayed on the Funding Service).

Assessors are not looking for detailed costs or a line-by-line breakdown of all project resources. Overall, they want to be assured that:

  • all resources are comprehensive, appropriate, and justified
  • the project will make optimal use of resources to achieve the intended outcomes
  • the resources will maximise potential outcomes and impacts


Word count: 1,000

List the references you have used to support your application.

What the assessors are looking for in your response

You should include all references in this section of the application and not in the rest of the application questions.

You should not include any other information in this section.

We advise you not to include hyperlinks as assessors are not obliged to access the information they lead to or consider it in their assessment of your application.

If linking to web resources, to ensure the information’s integrity is maintained include, where possible, persistent identifiers such as digital object identifiers.

You must not include links to web resources in order to extend your application.

How we will assess your application

Assessment process

We will assess your application using the following process.

Expert review

We will invite experts to review the applications independently, against the assessment criteria for this funding opportunity.


The panel will be comprised of NERC Peer Review College members, augmented if necessary, by relevant experts from outside the college. Our aim is to use at least half from the core membership of the college, expertise and conflicts of interest allowing. Note that this will be a moderating panel which means that it will use the evidence provided by reviewers together with your applicant response to assess the quality of your application, agree a score and rank it alongside other applications, after which the panel will make a funding recommendation.

We will use the recommendations of the panel along with the overall funding opportunity requirements, funding portfolio and the available budget in making the final funding decision. The funding limit specified for each highlight topic will be applied.

Additional guidance on the use of the reviewer and panel scoring scale for this funding opportunity

Reviewers will use a scoring scale of 1 to 6 with 1 being poor and 6 being exceptional.

We expect reviewers to only allocate the highest score (6) to applications that fully address all the assessment criteria.

The panel will use a scoring scale of 1 to 10 with 1 being poor and 10 being exceptional.


We aim to complete the assessment process within seven months of the funding opportunity closing date.


We will give feedback with the outcome of your application in June 2025.

Principles of assessment

We support the San Francisco declaration on research assessment and recognise the relationship between research assessment and research integrity.

Find out about the UKRI principles of assessment and decision making.

We reserve the right to modify the assessment process as needed.

If you are successful, you may be required to provide us with some additional information. Collecting this information from successful applicants is intended to lessen the burden at the application stage.

Assessment criteria

The assessment criteria are as follows:

  • vision
  • approach
  • applicant and team capability to deliver
  • ethics and responsible research and innovation (RRI)

Find details of assessment questions and criteria under the ‘Application questions’ heading in the ‘How to apply’ section.

Contact details

Get help with your application

If you have a question and the answers aren’t provided on this page.

Important note: The Helpdesk is committed to helping users of the UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) Funding Service as effectively and as quickly as possible. In order to manage cases at peak volume times, the Helpdesk will triage and prioritise those queries with an imminent funding opportunity deadline or a technical issue. Enquiries raised where information is available on the Funding Finder opportunity page and should be understood early in the application process (for example, regarding eligibility or content/remit of a funding opportunity) will not constitute a priority case and will be addressed as soon as possible.

Contact details

For help and advice on costings and writing your application, contact your research office in the first instance, allowing sufficient time for your organisation’s submission process.

For questions related to this specific funding opportunity, contact

Any queries regarding the system or the submission of applications through the Funding Service should be directed to the helpdesk.

Phone: 01793 547490

Our phone lines are open:

  • Monday to Thursday 8:30am to 5:00pm
  • Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm

To help us process queries quicker, we request that users highlight the council and funding opportunity name in the subject title of their email query, include the application reference number, and refrain from contacting more than one mailbox at a time.

You can also find information on submitting an application.

Sensitive information

If you or a core team member need to tell us something that you wish to remain confidential, contact

Include in the subject line: Highlight Topics 2024; sensitive information; your Funding Service application number.

Typical examples of confidential information include:

  • individual is unavailable until a certain date (for example due to parental leave)
  • declaration of interest
  • additional information about eligibility to apply that would not be appropriately shared in the ‘Applicant and team capability’ section
  • conflict of interest for UKRI to consider in reviewer or panel participant selection

For information about how UKRI handles personal data, read UKRI’s privacy notice.

Additional info

Post-award information

Programme management

Project leads are responsible for the management and delivery of their projects. Coordination between projects within a highlight topic is not required.

Reporting requirements

If your application is successful, you will need to report your research outcomes through a service called Researchfish. We require this annually and for up to five years after funding ends.

Find out about UKRI’s reporting requirements.

Responsible innovation

Through our funding, we want to make a positive contribution to society and the environment. We will achieve this through research outcomes and the way in which research is conducted.

If you are successful, you will need to adopt responsible research practices, as set out in UKRI’s responsible research policy and NERC’s responsible business statement.

UKRI commitment to the principles of the Modern Slavery Act 2015

Modern slavery is a crime and a violation of fundamental human rights. It takes various forms which deprive a person of their liberty in order to exploit them for personal or commercial gain, such as:

  • slavery
  • servitude
  • human trafficking
  • forced and compulsory labour

UKRI is committed to the principles of the Modern Slavery Act 2015, and the abolition of modern slavery and human trafficking.


  • 18 July 2024
    Project start date information under 'duration' heading in the 'What we're looking for' section updated. Award start date in the timeline also updated.

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