The Transforming Foundation Industries Future Leaders Group announces its webinar series on sustainability and circular economy for the foundation industries.
Following on from the UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP 26). The Future Leaders Group is taking an active role in knowledge transfer across the traditional sector boundaries of the foundation industries to unlock collaboration potential.
Sustainability and the impact of global warming is at the forefront of public interest. In the lead up to COP26, and in the months that follow, governments around the world are working towards targets to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
The role of the foundation industries
The foundation industries have a large part to play in this effort. Currently 10% of the UK’s CO2 emissions originate from the foundation industries.
Currently, there is a lack of knowledge within the foundation industries about the impact of each sector, manufacturing processes and technologies.
Only by each sector understanding the areas of commonality, and the opportunities to work collaboratively on solutions, can sustainability for the foundation industries be truly unlocked.
Starting the discussion
Originally developed as an internal series for the Future Leaders Group to break down these sector barriers, the 30 minute presentations will outline at an individual sector level:
- current manufacturing technologies utilised
- sustainability and circular economy issues
- potential pathways to net-zero.
There was a huge appetite from outside the group to access this knowledge and be part of the conversation so they have been opened up to an open audience. We are looking to have a broad audience from industry and academia.
The talks will act as an introduction to spark discussions between attendees, with the remaining half hour a time to discuss, challenge and make suggestions.
The presentations will be recorded and made available on our website. We will capture the questions answered and do our best to reply within good time.
Webinar topics and registration
This will be a monthly webinar, initially from February 2022.
The topics for the webinars, registration details, and recordings from previous webinars can be found on the Foundation Industries Future Leaders Group page.
Find out more about the Transforming Foundation Industries Future Leaders Group and get involved.