UKRI publishes stipend and postgraduate research consultation

A diverse group of business people gather around a laptop in a modern office and discuss what they see.

Increases in the 2023 to 2024 minimum stipend amount confirmed alongside publication of analysis of the call for input on the new deal for postgraduate research.

Minimum stipend for 2023 to 2024

The minimum stipend, which is the tax-free payment most UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) funded doctoral students receive for living costs, will rise to £18,622 for academic year 2023 to 2024.

The minimum fee that universities can draw from UKRI training grants will also increase, to £4,712.

UKRI’s People and Culture Champion Melanie Welham said:

Postgraduate research training makes a significant contribution to developing the expertise that underpins the UK’s ambitions to be a leading research and innovation nation.

Today’s announcement demonstrates UKRI’s on-going commitment to supporting doctoral students.

This step is part of our long-term efforts to ensure that the UK remains one of the best places for postgraduate students from all backgrounds to undertake research training.

New deal progress

Alongside the stipend increase, UKRI has published two related reports:

This builds on other actions UKRI have taken since the call for input was launched in 2022:

  • increase in minimum stipend by 20% in cash terms over two years
  • increase in Research England funding for English universities to support doctoral education
  • commissioned a review from the UK Council for Graduate Education on supporting excellent supervisory practice across UKRI doctoral training investments, published December 2022
  • started work to develop a more consistent offer for UKRI doctoral students as part of our move to collective talent funding
  • gathered advice to improve equality diversity and inclusion in student recruitment following a survey of grant holders in 2022, with the Natural Environment Research Council principles for best practice in student recruitment expected to be adopted across UKRI by the end of 2023

Next steps

UKRI is now drawing on this range of insight and actively working in collaboration with the sector to develop a considered response, expected before the summer.

While the consultation is now closed, we are always keen to hear from you. Please contact us with any questions at:

Top image:  Credit: FatCamera, E+ via Getty Images

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