UKRI publishes 2020 gender pay gap report

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UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) has published its 2020 gender pay gap report.

The report highlights that the mean gender pay gap across UKRI decreased by 1.4 percentage points:

  • 11.7% in 2019
  • 10.3% in 2020.

The median pay gap also decreased:

  • 13.7% in 2019
  • 10.7% in 2020.

UKRI Chief People Officer, Sue Donaldson, said:

We have seen a significant and welcome emphasis on EDI activity this year.

We continue to take action to reduce our gender pay gap and I’m pleased to see that it is reducing as a whole. Work will continue across the organisation to address those areas where we need to do more.

Equality, diversity and inclusion is an integral part of our vision and we will continue to explore what drives our gender pay gap and implement the changes that will help positively transform the way that we work.

Further information

These data have been calculated using the recommended method from The Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (ACAS) and are based on hourly earnings.

The ACAS methodology is prescriptive on the employee sample who are included. In this report 6,853 employees were included. 159 employees are not included in the report, as they have not received full pay for the month prior to the reporting year end, for example:

  • starters
  • leavers
  • those on unpaid leave.

Top image:  Credit: DNY59 / Getty Images

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