Shaping cultural and creative research through infrastructure

A person in a red curved abstract architectural space

AHRC is seeking to identify world leading infrastructure in the cultural and creative industries to inform the development of future investments in these sectors.

This activity includes plans for a new distributed national infrastructure for the creative industries, investment in creative industry policy and a new survey, the UKRI Creative Industries Landscape Analysis questionnaire.

New research and innovation infrastructure

In July, UKRI announced funding for CoSTAR, a new distributed national infrastructure for the creative industries that will provide access to cutting edge resources to the screen and performance sectors.

CoSTAR will consist of a hub and central experimental studio fitted with cutting-edge, real-time digital technologies such as:

  • motion and volumetric capture
  • a network of regional labs that will serve the wider UK.

CoSTAR is currently at business case development stage and is being advanced in collaboration with the Creative Industry Policy and Engagement fellows.

Policy and Engagement fellows

Professor Jonathan Freeman of Goldsmiths, University of London and Dr Chris Michaels, of the National Gallery, London have been appointed as the AHRC’s Creative Industry Policy and Engagement fellows.

They are working to inform funding programmes for national research and innovation facilities that will support:

  • TV
  • film
  • games
  • performance.

To ensure that future funding programmes are designed with and for the communities they will serve, the fellows are collaborating with key stakeholders across these sectors. They will make recommendations for critical resources that will cement the UK’s position as a global leader in technologically driven creative research.

Working with the community

Now, the Creative Industry Policy and Engagement fellows, on behalf of the AHRC and UKRI Infrastructure team, are expanding our understanding of research and innovation infrastructure for the creative industries. They are doing this through the UKRI Creative Industries Landscape Analysis questionnaire.

This will include:

  • identifying publicly funded infrastructures not already captured through the UKRI Infrastructure Roadmap programme
  • where possible, developing UKRI’s understanding of the UKs non-public sector funded infrastructure, such as in the private sector.

The questionnaire data will be used to update the UK’s research and innovation infrastructure portal and provide additional context for CoSTAR. It will help it to connect researchers and practitioners for cross-sector research, development and infrastructure to enable the development of new products, services and experiences.

Make your voice heard

The questionnaire is targeted towards research and innovation infrastructures that are being used by stakeholders for creative industries research and innovation activities.

It is being conducted by UKRI and will be used to inform and support the ongoing work of the AHRC and the UKRI Infrastructure team and to update UK’s research and innovation infrastructure portal.

The questionnaire is comprised of mostly multiple-choice questions and will take approximately 10 minutes to complete.

The deadline for submitting a response is 14 October 2021.

Arts and Humanities Research Council Executive Chair, Professor Christopher Smith, says: 

The cultural and creative industries are major economic drivers within the UK.

It is a core part of AHRC’s mission to enhance facilities and expertise across these sectors, and to work towards the long-term understanding, preservation and enjoyment of heritage, culture and creativity for and by everyone in society.

We are dedicated to ensuring our future investments are targeted to the needs of the sector and provide arts and humanities researchers across the UK with the tools that they need to succeed.

Further information

A series of webinars will be held on 3 and 4 September 2021 to provide an opportunity to hear more about the landscaping exercise and how this will be used to inform the development of the CoSTAR programme.

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