Research England publishes provider-level allocations for 2020-21


Research England has published further details on funding for individual higher education providers (HEP) for 2020-21.

This follows the circular letter, recurrent and capital funding for 2020-21 (RE-CL-2020-06) published on 27 July 2020.

Information published includes a short publication, Research and Knowledge Exchange Funding for 2020-21, which provides a brief summary of Research England’s funding decisions and approach for 2020-21, and Annex A setting out the provider allocations.

This announcement only applies to the funding Research England provides on an annual basis. Funding for specific projects or initiatives will continue to be announced separately.

Details are provided for the coming academic year August 2020 to July 2021, except for capital funding, which is provided for the financial year April 2020 to March 2021.

Supporting documents and publications will be published in September including the individual provider grant tables and technical guidance.

Further information

For queries about annual funding, please email the annual funding team.

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