24 November 2020
AHRC launches film series on BBC Arts’ Culture in Quarantine site
23 November 2020
ORCID reviewer recognition for UKRI reviewers
MRC publishes units and centres portfolio review
New global COVID-19 vaccine announced today
20 November 2020
BBSRC publishes review of data-intensive bioscience
UK invests £61m to secure future of research in our skies
UKRI announces international development research programme awards
Supplier event for UKRI Sciencewise programme management contract
New Generation Thinkers: a decade of bringing research to radio
19 November 2020
UKRI and the US to collaborate on research commercialisation
This is the website for UKRI: our seven research councils, Research England and Innovate UK. Let us know if you have feedback or would like to help improve our online products and services.