3 November 2020
R&D investments spearhead push to block cyber security attacks
2 November 2020
Update to the UKRI FEC grant and training grant terms and conditions
Making plastic packaging more sustainable: apply for funding
30 October 2020
UKRI invests £15m in the future of glass production
Major milestone for fusion as experiment goes into operation
NERC to scope subsurface CO2 storage laboratory
29 October 2020
First phase of new UKRI website launching today
UKRI’s COVID-19 rolling funding opportunity to close in December
Bumper crop of black holes in new gravitational wave paper
New £8 million COVID-19 fund spurs UK-India collaboration
This is the website for UKRI: our seven research councils, Research England and Innovate UK. Let us know if you have feedback or would like to help improve our online products and services.