New chair for Non-Clinical Training and Career Development Panel

Matt Lambon-Ralph

Professor Matt Lambon-Ralph has been appointed Chair of the Medical Research Council (MRC) Non-Clinical Training and Career Development Panel.

The panel is responsible for assessing applications for non-clinical fellowships across the MRC research portfolio. These personal awards support talented researchers at key transition points in their careers and include:

  • career development awards
  • senior non-clinical fellowships
  • transition support awards.

The panel chair ensures effective delivery of MRC training strategy across the non-clinical training and career development panel remit, ensuring that funding decisions reflect strategic priorities.

Panel chair tenure typically lasts for four years. As panel chair, Professor Lambon-Ralph will also contribute to MRC strategy as a member of the MRC Training and Careers group.

About Professor Matt Lambon-Ralph

Professor Lambon-Ralph is Director of the MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit and Professor of Cognitive Brain Sciences.

His research focuses on the cognitive, neural and computational bases of memory, knowledge and language. He has a special interest in understanding and treating the neurological disorders associated with these key aspects of higher cognitive function.

Having previously been responsible for early career researchers across the University of Manchester as Associate Vice-President for Research, Matt has a long-standing interest in training and career development.

Speaking of his appointment Matt said:

I consider the Non-clinical Training and Career Development (and sister Clinical) Panel to be critically important for the MRC; it is the primary mechanism to promote and support the best emerging research leaders. It is imperative for the panel to pick the very best researchers to fund, advance equality and diversity in all activities, and support both the research and career development of its chosen fellows across the entire MRC remit.

Investing in people

Professor Fiona Watt, Executive Chair of MRC, said:

I am delighted by Matt’s appointment. He is a world-class researcher who brings considerable leadership and experience to the role. Investing in people is central to MRC strategy and the Non-Clinical Training and Career Development Panel plays a critical role in identifying and supporting outstanding early career researchers. I am excited to see Matt lead the panel as it continues to deliver MRC funding to the next generation of medical research leaders.

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