Reuben Chesterman

Building for Mars: meet the space crafter!

Video credit: UK Research and Innovation
Video transcript and on-screen captions are available by watching on YouTube.

Have you ever wondered who builds the technology that could one day find life on Mars? Or how satellites are protected from the extreme temperatures in space?

Our presenter Zoe meets Reuben Chesterman, a MAIT (Manufacturing, Assembly, Integration, Testing) technician at RAL Space, or as she likes to call him, a ‘Space-Crafter’!

He’s currently working on Enfys, an important part on the Mars rover that will journey 140 million miles into space.

And his work doesn’t stop there.

Join Zoe in this episode and find out how his space-bound creations are making a huge impact on people’s lives here on Earth.

Want to know more about how spacecraft are tested for launch? Explore the new National Satellite Test Facility at ‪RAL Space on YouTube,‬ which can test satellites up to the size of a minibus.

Enfys is led by Aberystwyth University with support from:

  • RAL Space
  • Mullard Space Laboratory (University College London)
  • UK Space Agency
  • Qioptiq Ltd

Last updated: 27 March 2025

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