Requesting a change to your project


Requesting a change to your fellowship award

If you’ve been awarded a fellowship, there may be circumstances where you want to:

  • pause the fellowship when taking a career break or other form of leave
  • transfer the fellowship to another research organisation
  • extend the fellowship due to unforeseen circumstances
  • have the salaries covered by the fellowship supplemented or amended based on leave taken.

The guidance and process for requesting a change will depend on which research council awarded the fellowship.

Fellowships awarded by EPSRC

See the separate guidance on managing a fellowship awarded by EPSRC.

Fellowships awarded by MRC

See the separate MRC guidance on post award considerations.

Fellowships awarded by another research council

Contact the research council that is awarding the fellowship for guidance on how to request a change.

Future Leaders Fellowships

See the separate Future Leaders Fellowship guidance on managing your award.

Last updated: 20 April 2023

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