Requesting a change to your project


MRC funding: making a complex change

You’ll need to submit additional information if you have a complex change in circumstances relating to your Medical Research Council (MRC) funding award. This is called MRC’s post-award amendment process.

Complex changes can include:

  • changes to research involving human or animal participants
  • project extensions of six months or more
  • asking for more funds in exceptional circumstances.

Request a complex change

Submit a request through the Joint Electronic Submission (Je-S) system in the same way you would tell us about a simple unexpected change in circumstances. Most requests will be a type of grant maintenance request in Je-S.

Follow UKRI’s guidance for requesting a change to your project.

If your project is funded through a Developmental Pathway Funding Scheme award, you must make any changes by emailing the translational research board at

Do not submit a grant maintenance request in Je-S.

Once you submit your change request

We will get a notification that allows us to review your request.

We may contact you and ask you to provide more information, including:

  • an outline of what you are requesting and why
  • the objectives you have completed in your project so far
  • the objectives that you still need to complete.

This is so that we can assess if the change you have requested is appropriate for your award and circumstances.

You should answer as fully and clearly as possible. There is no limit to the amount of information you can provide.

We will let you know who you need to return your answer to and by when.

How we assess your request

Your request will either by assessed by:

  • MRC’s research funding, policy and delivery team
  • an assessment panel of senior MRC staff, usually a head of theme and two programme managers.

If your change request is related to funding terms and conditions, it will normally be looked at by the research funding, policy and delivery team.

If your change request is related to your research and will need expert knowledge to make a decision, this will normally be looked at by the assessment panel. Panels meet every four to six weeks.

How you will be notified

You will be notified of the decision through Je-S.

There is no set time for when you might receive a decision. We will aim to respond as quickly as possible.

If we accept your change request we will let you know the terms under which it is being granted.

If we reject your change request we will give you feedback about why this decision was made.

Ask a question


We aim to respond within five working days.

Last updated: 31 March 2022

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