Reporting your project’s outcomes



If you have a research grant or fellowship supported by a research council, you will usually need to report your research outcomes through a service called Researchfish.

There is a different way to report on your project if it is funded by Innovate UK. Contact your monitoring officer if you have any questions.

Research outcomes are made publicly available for the purposes of transparency and knowledge sharing on UKRI’s Gateway to Research.

Why we ask you to report

Reporting your research outcomes helps us understand what has changed as a result of the support you’ve received.

The data you provide is important to us and is used in many different ways across UKRI to understand the outputs, outcomes and impacts we are helping to deliver.

The data is used to:

  • justify additional spending to government and attract more funding for the research community. For example, the data is used to identify impact stories which are regularly published on our website to promote the achievements of the people and projects we invest in
  • evaluate the impact of our investments, helping us learn what works and inform the development of future strategies. The findings of our evaluations are made available to the wider community on our evaluation reports page
  • hold us to account and ensure we are transparent about what our funding has delivered. Each year the data is used extensively within our annual report and accounts to demonstrate our progress and achievements for the year
  • enable analysis of the outcomes and impacts of research across the wider community. To do this, the data is made available on Gateway to Research and in our interactive research output dashboards

Last updated: 1 November 2024

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