Manage your award

What you will need to do if you’ve been awarded funding by UKRI or one of our councils.

Accepting your offer

How to accept your funding award

Getting your funding

How and when your funding award will be paid

Meeting UKRI terms and conditions for funding

The terms and conditions for research grants, training funding and other grant funding

Requesting a change to your project

When you need to raise a request to make a change to your project and how to do it

Transferring your research grant to another country

Find out when you can transfer your UKRI grant to a research organisation overseas

Reporting your project's outcomes

How to report your project’s outcomes and outputs in Researchfish, including what to report and when to do it

Reporting your project's spending

How to submit your final expenditure statement and other reporting requirements

Publishing your research findings

How to acknowledge your funder and make publications open access and research data open

Good research resource hub

Find legislation and guidance to achieve the highest research standards

Guidance for fellows

Guidance for Future Leaders Fellows and host organisations

This is the website for UKRI: our seven research councils, Research England and Innovate UK. Let us know if you have feedback or would like to help improve our online products and services.