Part of the role of the case for support (CfS) is to enable reviewers to make an informed judgement on whether the resources requested are appropriate for the research proposed.
The CfS should explain why the resources requested are appropriate for the research proposed taking into account the nature and complexity of the research.
It should not simply be a list of the resources required as this is already provided on the Joint Electronic Submission (Je-S) system form.
Whether the grant is a large programme grant or a small travel grant, all items requested in the Je-S form must be justified in the CfS.
Any proposals requesting items that would ordinarily be found in a department, for example non-specialist computers, should include justification both for why they are required for the project and why they cannot be provided from the research organisation’s own resources (including funding from Indirect costs from grants).
The CfS is a free text document. To ensure that justification is provided for all costings included in the Je-S form we recommend that costs are matched to the proposal headings below (where appropriate).