STFC impact funding - STFC

Where relevant, applicants must include research specific impact within their Vision section (or where directed in the Funding Service question set), including how their research findings will reach key stakeholders. Impact will be assessed by peer reviewers or grant panels as part of the Vision criteria. Examples of impact could include:

  • the potential application of technologies and creating opportunities in other fields
  • third party professional sector engagement and outreach opportunities, for example, business, government and non-governmental organisation engagement
  • the development of transferable skills or knowledge supported by STFC to other research disciplines or industry
  • training the next generation of researchers, inspiring them to carry on in STFC fields or enabling transfer of their knowledge to non-academic fields
  • inspiring people to value science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) skills and consider STEM careers
  • engaging wider society and specific interested or affected demographics with the themes, progress and outcomes of your research
  • creating opportunities for two-way interactions between the research community and society

Read the full STFC impact guidance for grant applications.

Applicants can request resources to deliver impact within their proposal as long as it is appropriately justified and specific to the research project.

For public engagement generated impact work, STFC offers a range of dedicated public engagement grant schemes.

STFC’s Public Engagement team would be pleased to explore new future impact support mechanisms as this change becomes operational to ensure connectivity between major STFC research programmes and publics continue to be enabled.

Last updated: 25 November 2024

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