Review and assessment of proposals - STFC


Assessment criteria

The assessment criteria to be used for an opportunity will be provided within the funding finder information and will vary depending on the type of funding being requested for example, commercialisation or public engagement. For most research grant opportunities the following high level UKRI criteria will form the basis of assessment:

  • vision
  • approach
  • applicant and team capability to deliver
  • resources and cost justification
  • ethics and responsible research innovation (RRI)

Find more information see core section questions and how they will be assessed.

Some opportunities may also require additional criteria and, where this is the case, the funding finder entry will make this clear. Applicants are reminded that peer review is based on evidence provided in a proposal.

Other considerations

Sustainability (of key instrument or construction groups)

In consolidated grant applications panel may also consider the health and critical mass in key instrument or construction groups and how this is maintained, and as such the sustainability (for example key instruments or construction groups) may also be assessed.

More details on sustainability criteria is provided in funding opportunity guidance.

Associated studentships

Where applicants are seeking funding for a doctoral studentship to work alongside the grant, applicants should carefully consider whether studentship funding is appropriate.

The doctoral studentship must not be on the critical path for delivery of the grant objectives and should be a discrete project suitable for training a doctoral student. The proposed department must be accredited to award STFC doctoral students.

Consideration should be given to:

  • the quality and appropriateness of the doctoral project
  • whether the project provides a sound training in research method and techniques
  • the broader skills training available to the student

Last updated: 27 November 2024

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