How we use your information - STFC

The personal information collected from the proposal form is used by STFC for administrative and statistical purposes, and plays no part in the assessment of proposals. However, STFC may use the expertise information to help identify potential reviewers for research grant proposals.

STFC is in full compliance with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). As such, personal information will not be used for any other purpose nor disclosed to a third party without the consent of the individual. Reference should be made to the section on data protection regulations in the Terms and Conditions of Research Council Grants for further information.

To meet the council’s public accountability and information dissemination obligations, details of funded grants may be made publicly available on STFC’s website and other publicly available databases (gateway to research, for example), in reports and/or paper documents. The following information contained in funded research proposals may routinely be made publicly available:

  • name of the host research organisation
  • details of applicants (title, forenames, initials, surname, research organisation and department
  • names of project partner organisations
  • project title
  • technical and non-technical summaries of the proposal
  • value and duration of proposal (and any subsequent grant)

Applicants should ensure that the title, summary and objectives of the proposed research are worded in a way that protects commercially confidential or sensitive information.

Applicants must obtain the necessary agreements from any industrial or other collaborating organisation with a commercial interest in the proposal for the inclusion of their material.

Where information is Commercial-in-Confidence, it should be clearly identified and submitted as a separate attachment to the main proposal.

Last updated: 17 August 2021

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