Staff and investigator costs - STFC


Other staff

Funds for named or unnamed technical and specialist staff, who will undertake work directly related to the proposed project and whose time can be fully supported by a full audit trail during the life of the project may be sought as a directly incurred cost. For staff dedicated to one project, the payroll system provides a full audit trail. Staff whose time is dedicated to more than one project should use other time recording systems (timesheets, for example).

Where the post is not fully auditable but does not fit the pooled staff or infrastructure technicians definition the costs can be requested as directly allocated. These posts should be requested within the staff section of the UKRI Funding Service though costs will map to other directly allocated costs.

Other non-research staff who will work on the project and whose time can be fully supported by a full audit trail during the life of the project (professional enabling staff, for example) may be requested as a directly incurred cost. For staff dedicated to one project, the payroll system provides a full audit trail. Staff whose time is dedicated to more than one project should use other time recording systems (timesheets, for example).

Pooled staff

Technicians, specialist and professional enabling staff who are part of a staff pool supporting a range of facilities and projects whose costs cannot be separately identified may be included in estates costs.

Staff providing general non-project-specific support for the research infrastructure, charged on the basis of a per-research full time equivalent (FTE) rate, may be requested under the other directly allocated fund heading option of Infrastructure Technicians.

Last updated: 22 November 2024

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