Costs we fund - STFC

Find out about what you can apply for, how much you can claim and how to provide costs information in your proposal and application in the UKRI Funding Service.

Inflation and VAT in your costings

Guidance on preparing costs taking VAT and inflation into account

Full economic costing fund headings

How to choose the right heading for the costs you apply for

Staff and investigator costs

Find out about cost, time and audit trail requirements for the people in your proposed project together with fund headings to use

Travel and subsistence

Learn about what you can claim for when you travel, attend workshops and need childcare


Find out about equipment use and value, which fund headings to use and how much we’ll contribute to costs

Other costs

Information about how to handle costs ranging from publishing research results to use of your personal telephone


Check the rules on which organisations can charge for buildings, services and utilities costs and at what rate

Indirect costs

Find out what counts as an indirect cost, the rate to use and how to show them in your proposal

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