Tendering to FAIR - STFC

The Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) is under construction at the GSI laboratory near Darmstadt, Germany.

FAIR will provide a unique range of high-energy and high-intensity radioactive ion beams, high intensity anti-protons and high-energy heavy-ions. These beams will support a broad range of science including nuclear structure, hadronic, relativistic heavy ion, plasma and atomic physics.

The UK Nuclear Physics community is part of the FAIR project and the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) will contribute to FAIR through support to the NuSTAR experiment.

How to access opportunities at FAIR

While the majority of the large lead-time items have already been ordered, there are still many components to be ordered.

Areas of interest to FAIR include:

  • magnets
  • vacuum
  • cables
  • large power supplies
  • RF systems
  • beam diagnostics systems
  • components in high radiation areas
  • cryogenics.

Current and upcoming tenders can be found on FAIR’s procurement page and also on the GSI Industry page.


Eileen Forsey – UK industrial liaison officer to FAIR

Email: tenderopportunities@stfc.ukri.org

Last updated: 27 October 2022

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