Research England is undertaking a review of our approach to some of our formula-based research funding. This activity is called the strategic institutional research funding (SIRF) review.
The review will consider the fundamental principles and the effectiveness of our current funding allocation mechanisms, in consultation with the higher education sector and wider stakeholders. This review is anticipated to continue until 2030 and will be made up of a number of discrete stages.
We are undertaking the review in consultation with the higher education research sector and wider stakeholders. Further updates on progress and opportunities for engagement in the review will be published on this page.
What strategic institutional research funding (SIRF) covers
The term ‘strategic institutional research funding’ covers all of Research England’s formula-driven research funding allocations made to English higher education providers (HEPs) that can be used flexibly by the provider to serve their wider strategic priorities.
The funds defined as SIRF
The following quality-related research (QR) funds and ring-fenced funds are defined as SIRF and are all included in the SIRF review:
- mainstream QR
- QR research degree programme supervision fund
- QR charity support element
- QR business research element
- QR funding for national facilities and initiatives
- Research Capital Infrastructure Funding (RCIF)
- Specialist Provider Element
- Policy Support Fund
- Participatory Research Fund
- Enhancing Research Culture Fund
What the review will cover
The review will explore the effectiveness, impact, allocation mechanisms and transparent uses of SIRF and how it currently delivers on its aims and objectives.
What the review will not cover
The review does not extend to Research England competitive schemes or knowledge exchange funding.
Equality, diversity and inclusion
An understanding of equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) will run through the planning and delivery of the SIRF review.
The equality impact assessment informs the development and delivery of the SIRF review. It considers the possible impacts of our SIRF approaches, sector engagement, and the overall review of SIRF on different groups.
View the strategic institutional research funding: equality impact assessment.
SIRF review work package updates
Impact evaluation
Research England has commissioned an independent evaluation of SIRF. The impact evaluation is delivered by external suppliers RSM UK Consulting LLP and RAND Europe. The evaluation will run from July 2024 until autumn 2025.
Read further information on the Impact Evaluation.
Condition of the estate (COTE) project
Through the COTE project, we hope to build our understanding of the current state and future needs of research infrastructure, meaning buildings and capital equipment, across English HEPs.
In March 2024, a survey was sent to HEPs in England requesting data on their estates. The survey closed in July, and we are now analysing the results. Alongside this we are reviewing data provided in the Estates Management record.
We are conducting targeted interviews with HEPs to gain examples and more detail and context on survey figures and findings.
We will report on the findings in 2025. Further information on the COTE work can be found on the Research Capital Investment Fund Page.
Transparency programme
Research England is undertaking a programme of work to improve the understanding of how our formula-based research funding is used by HEPs. This work will improve the evidence base for SIRF, helping to make a strong case to government for continued funding.
The transparency programme is being run alongside the SIRF review. They both reflect our mission to:
- create and sustain a healthy and dynamic research system
- maximise value and outcomes from public money
We review funding methods and outcomes periodically to ensure they are effective, and the transparency programme will increase understanding and contribute to the evidence base on how SIRF is used. The transparency programme and the SIRF review will provide accountability for SIRF to government and enable Research England to champion the role of HEPs in the research system..
What the transparency programme covers
Research England defines transparency, in this context, as the mechanisms by which Research England ensures that both internal and external audiences understand how HEPs spend their SIRF allocations and why they take the approaches they do.
To achieve this, we will work with the sector to better understand what information is currently available on how Research England’s formula-based research funding is used. We will consider how we can capture that information collectively, recognising the importance of institutional autonomy in making spending decisions.
We are seeking to keep any new evidence-gathering or reporting to a high level and test the approach carefully with the sector through engagement and consultation, with a suitable timeframe for implementation.
The transparency programme is not a regulatory activity and is not seeking accountability or assurance of individual HEP’s use of Research England’s formula-based research funding. We recognise the need to both minimise burden and safeguard institutional autonomy while implementing this new approach. We do not intend to gather detailed financial information on SIRF spend.
Programme delivery
We are delivering the transparency programme in phases.
In phase 1, we will develop an evidence-gathering process that looks back on how HEPs have used their funding over the academic year.
For this phase we will ask HEPs to provide us with evidence on their use of formula-based funding at the end of each academic year across broad activity categories. We are testing this with a selection of HEPs, representative of the diverse range of institutions, to gain their feedback and inform our next steps.
Subject to the outcomes of this initial engagement, we are planning further consultation of the approach through a pilot exercise involving all English HEPs. Timings will be announced with sufficient notice.
In phase 2, which is longer-term, our vision is to work with the sector to develop a forward-looking process that will provide insights into the strategic decisions that HEPs take to allocate their funding.
These mechanisms will provide evidence on how flexible formula-based funds enable HEPs to deliver their institutional strategies and create impact and value from public investment that contributes to the research system and wider economy and society.
We will update on the progress of the transparency programme and our plans for further engagement in summer 2025.
SIRF principles and objectives
Research England’s mission is to create and sustain the conditions for a healthy, dynamic, diverse and inclusive research and knowledge exchange system in the English higher education sector.
Within this mission, our formula-driven SIRF provides flexible funding that allows higher education providers to make decisions on how to use these allocations. This supports their strategic autonomy.
See our infographic providing an overview of the SIRF principles, objectives and mechanisms.
These principles describe the high-level aims that Research England SIRF is intended to contribute to, as part of a healthy research sector and in collaboration with funding from other sources.
Enable research excellence
We provide strategic investment in enabling infrastructure, environment and culture to produce high-quality research outputs and high-quality impact beyond academia. SIRF supports research excellence wherever it is found, informed by the Research Excellence Framework.
Contribute towards research sustainability
Stable funding supports long-term financial and strategic planning and contributes to the full economic costs of research. This supports the sector’s ability to respond to current research needs without reducing its ability to meet them in the future.
Support a healthy and diverse research sector
We maintain and build capacity and capability across the range of type and size of institutions, disciplines and their missions, and support diverse, dynamic and sustainable research careers.
Address strategic policy priorities
We facilitate the response by HEPs and research community to current and emerging local, national, and global challenges.
The objectives outline the purpose of SIRF and how Research England uses it to support the research sector by:
- recognising research quality across the widest range of research outputs
- enabling HEPs’ strategic autonomy, providing flexibility for providers to develop and progress their own research strategies and agenda
- balancing stability and dynamism to enable longer term strategic planning and agile responses to emerging priorities, through ring-fenced funds and stable longer-term funding streams
- supporting people and culture, and contributing to building and maintaining an inclusive research system
- driving research impact, supporting an engaged and impactful research system that connects research with wider society to bring about positive socioeconomic change
- enabling partnerships and promoting collaboration across the research sector, including higher education providers, industry, charities and communities to promote a diverse, resilient and connected system
- enhancing and increasing the effective use of research infrastructure across the sector
- balancing the need for accountability and transparency of public funding while managing administrative burden
There are two broad funding mechanisms used by Research England to allocate SIRF:
- flexible funding, which can be used by HEPs to support any research activity
- ring-fenced funding streams, which must be allocated to activities that support the aims of those funds
These funding mechanisms support multiple activities across HEPs, and these contribute to the achievement of the objectives listed on this page.
Ask a question about the SIRF or the review exercise
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