Facilities and resources - NERC


Using NERC facilities and resources

How you apply to use NERC facilities and resources depends on your situation and the facility. But you should always contact the facility or service you want to use first, to check they can provide what you need.

If you’re applying for research funding from NERC

You can apply to use a facility or resource by including it in your funding application. You should discuss your research proposal with the facility or service at least two months before submitting your application.

Also check the funding opportunity and the NERC research grants and fellowships handbook for what to include in your application. Your application usually needs to include:

  • confirmation you can use the facility or service
  • any costs – put these under directly incurred costs and tick the facility box
  • a technical assessment, which is a quote from the facility or service
  • any other forms required by the facility or service – check the handbook for what you need.

If you do not have NERC funding

If your research project is not funded by NERC, you can apply directly to the service or facility you want to use.

This is known as direct access. It’s usually for small amounts of research work, for example:

  • pilot or proof-of-concept projects
  • work to gather the data needed to make a research funding application.

Your application might not be successful if your project would use more than 10% of the facility’s capacity for the year.

Your project is not eligible for direct access if it already has NERC funding.

If you’re a business or organisation

You can apply directly to the service or facility you want to use as a business or organisation. Contact the facility or service to discuss your proposed project, and to ask for an application form.

Find NERC facilities and resources.

Last updated: 24 January 2022

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