Research grant - MRC


How to apply for research grant

Check which research board fits your scientific area

Check which of the MRC’s four research boards awards grants in your scientific area and check its application closing dates.

Infections and Immunity
Molecular and Cellular Medicine
Neurosciences and Mental Health
Population and Systems Medicine

You can also find details of the programme managers for each science area and their contact information.

If you are unsure who to contact, please contact our Research Funding Policy and Delivery (RFPD) team.


Telephone: 01793 416 440

You may also wish to look through our highlight notices to see if your proposed research falls within any of MRC’s scientific priority areas and highlight this in your application.

Read the guidance

Funding opportunity guidance

The relevant funding opportunity guidance takes you through preparing an application, including who can apply, what we are looking for and how to apply.

Infections and immunity responsive mode: research grant
Molecular and cellular medicine responsive mode: research grant
Neurosciences and mental health research responsive mode: research grant
Population and systems medicine responsive mode: research grant

MRC guidance for applicants

The MRC guidance for applicants guides you through eligibility, costing your application and any ethical and regulatory requirements that may apply to the research.

Please also ensure that you read the terms and conditions governing MRC grants.

Create your application on the UKRI Funding Service

Select the ‘start application’ link on the relevant funding opportunity page on the UKRI website. This will take you directly to the Funding Service to create an application.

Closing dates

This is an ongoing funding opportunity with multiple closing dates every year usually in January, June and September.

For open, closing and funding decision meeting dates, see application timelines.

Your application must be submitted through the UKRI Funding Service by 4pm on the relevant research board’s closing date.

To ensure that your application reaches us in time, please give your administrative department at least two weeks’ notice of your application and the MRC research board closing date.

Help with applying using the UKRI Funding Service

Contact us if you require assistance either accessing the UKRI Funding Service or completing the application.


We aim to respond to emails within 2 working days.


01793 547490

Our phone lines are open:

  • Monday to Thursday 8:30am to 5:00pm
  • Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm

Last updated: 27 September 2024

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