New Investigator Research Grant (NIRG) - MRC


Assessment of applications for New Investigator Research Grant

Your application will be peer reviewed by independent scientific experts from the UK and abroad.

Details of the assessment process can be found on the relevant funding opportunity page under ‘how we will assess your application’.

Assessment criteria

The criteria against which your application will be assessed directly relates to the core responsive mode application questions:

  • vision of the project
  • approach to the project
  • capability of the applicant or applicants and the project team to deliver the project
  • resources requested to do the project
  • ethical and responsible research and innovation considerations of the project
  • research organisation support

Further detail on what the assessors are looking for is available on the relevant funding opportunity page under ‘how to apply’.

Applicants will also be assessed against the criteria listed for ‘transition to independence’ in the applicant skills and experience table, taking into consideration the support provided by the host research organisation.

You are strongly advised to review these criteria and discuss these with your research organisation when developing your application and in securing an appropriate statement of support from your host organisation. For more information, see MRC peer review.

Last updated: 27 September 2024

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