Better Methods, Better Research guidance portal - MRC

This is a central collection of resources endorsed by National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) and MRC, to lead best practice in health and biomedical research. Resources developed are all approved by the MRC-NIHR Better Methods, Better Research panel to support applications.

Learn more about the Better Methods, Better Research programme.

Resources endorsed by MRC and National Institute for Health Research

Methodology for stratified medicine

Stratified medicine methodology framework from MRC

Biomarker-guided designs (BiGTeD online tool)

Complex interventions

Guidance on evaluating complex interventions (University of Glasgow)

Process evaluation

Summary and full guidance on evaluation of complex interventions

Natural experiments

Summary and full guidance on using natural experiments to evaluate population health interventions

Trials methodology guidance

Guidance pack for trials research (Hubs for Trials Methodology Research)

Guidance on specifying target difference in sample size calculations for randomised clinical trials (Centre for Statistics in Medicine)

Health and care systems

New approaches to evaluating complex health and care systems (The BMJ)

Evaluating service innovations in healthcare and public health (NIHR journals library)

Digital interventions

Guidance for designing and evaluating digital interventions

Surgical innovation

Article from the BMJ: Plans to accelerate innovation in health systems are less than IDEAL

Last updated: 26 April 2024

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