Project Impact guidance - Innovate UK


What the Project Impact questions are used for

The Project Impact questions help quantify the impact of Innovate UK. The data will be aggregated to help build a complete picture of the impact the businesses, organisations, and individuals we support are making to the wider UK economy and society.

By providing regular and quality impact data to Innovate UK, organisations are enabling Innovate UK to better understand the impact of our support. It will help us identify success stories and provide evidence to government and the public of the value of supporting innovative businesses.

This evidence will also allow Innovate UK to design compelling future programmes that will support innovation investment in the areas with the most impact for the UK economy, the wider society, and the environment.

In the future we also aim to provide data and insights back to our customers. This will give them a greater understanding of their project and business compared to others, helping them to grow and demonstrate their successes.

The Project Impact questions are not scored and do not form any part of the assessment of your application.

Keeping the data confidential

Innovate UK take our legal obligation to protect data very seriously and we uphold this in both the staff we employ, their training, the procedures we adopt and the IT equipment we use.

Your data will be treated in strict confidence in line with the provisions of section 39 of the Statistics and Registration Services Act 2007, Data Protection Legislation (including the General Data Protection Regulation and the Data Protection Act 2018) and the Code of Practice for Statistics.

The data you send to us will not be disclosed to any unauthorised personnel. It will only be seen by those who need to be aware of them for compiling statistical data. Unauthorised disclosure of data would be a disciplinary and, in some cases, a criminal offence.

The information your business provides is regarded simply as a representation of the industry it belongs to. The resulting analyses are used only for statistical and research purposes, and show no information to identify companies. Only aggregated totals are published. No individual business data can be identified unless that business has specifically given its permission.

For further information about Innovate UK’s policy on how we store and use the data we collect see our privacy notice and information management policy.

Last updated: 2 March 2023

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