Project Impact guidance - Innovate UK



As Innovate UK is a public body it’s natural that there is increasing scrutiny of our investments. The government expects, and the public deserves, visibility on how this money is being spent. We want to show the impact that Innovate UK investments are having for our innovative companies, and most importantly how they are helping to achieve our national goals.

To help quantify these impacts Innovate UK has launched the Impact Management Framework, with the aim of collecting data annually from our applicants and funded partners via the ‘Project Impact’ questions.

The data will be aggregated to help build a complete picture of the impact the businesses, organisations, and individuals we support are making to the wider UK economy and society.

If you have any questions, please contact our customer support service who will assist you further:


Video credit: Innovate UK

Closed captions are displayed on-screen. An autogenerated transcript is available on YouTube.

Last updated: 3 March 2023

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