How to plan and develop publications - ESRC


Editing and proofreading

All publications will need careful editing and proofreading. If possible, someone other than the writer should carry out these functions, as they will not be as close to the material.

Remember that professional editors cut from the bottom up. Many readers will not make it to the end of an article or publication, so good editing is essential to preserve the key points in any material.

Good proofreading is also essential. Do not rely on inbuilt spellcheckers – these are not enough for accurate proofing.

The best proofreaders have an eye for detail and a clear appreciation of your house style. For larger documents you may want to use the services of professional proofreaders. As well as checking for typographical errors, grammar and house style, a proofreader should also check layout to ensure that text falls in a logical and readable style.

Last updated: 31 August 2021

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