How to organise an event - ESRC


Event publications and promotion

There are a number of things you will need to consider.

Creating a delegate pack

Delegate packs are an essential requirement for an event, no matter how large or small.

The pack should be properly branded. If your project has ESRC funding, you should include ESRC branding and follow the guidance on acknowledging the funder.

Delegate packs may include:

  • a map showing the location of the event
  • the event programme, including a list of workshops if running
  • biographies of speakers
  • speakers’ slides or notes
  • contact information for the event team
  • emergency procedures on the day
  • an evaluation form to complete afterward.

Designing an event programme

The event programme is your schedule of events from start to finish.

When deciding on the programme, you should take into account:

  • the main purpose of the event – if it is about giving information or does it require participation from delegates
  • the make-up and expectations of the audience – what they are looking for from this event and how you will keep their attention and ensure they are motivated to contribute
  • the flow of the event – how you will ensure the event is not disjointed but flows naturally from one speaker or workshop to another.

Most delegates will find it hard to sit without a break for more than an hour and a half. Typically, presentations should be kept to 30 to 45 minutes maximum, allowing time for questions at the end.

Promoting the event

You will need to consider how you promote the event to attract delegates to attend. Large events may require their own marketing plans, using the full range of communication tools.

For example, you may want to consider:

  • direct email or e-shots. These lists may be developed in-house or could be supplied by an external organisation, including professional groups in your field and ESRC
  • personalised letters to important delegates you wish to attract
  • a professionally produced publication setting out who will be speaking, what they will be speaking about and who should attend, including a copy of the programme
  • website information, for example, event pages and links to publications
  • how you use the media to generate publicity in advance of the event
  • advertising in key publications.

If your project has ESRC funding, you should include ESRC branding and follow the guidance on acknowledging the funder.

Last updated: 31 August 2021

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