How to do media relations - ESRC


Preparing a media relations campaign

Your media relations campaign will need to be integrated with your wider impact plan. It does not need to be complicated. It should identify:

  • key audiences – for example, if you are producing the results of research into river flooding, then your audiences are likely to include key government departments, MPs, national organisations concerned with river flooding, local authorities and residents in flooding zones and related environmentalists and academics
  • key media – for example, local, regional, national, ethnic minority media, the specialist or trade press and professional organisations covering the issue
  • key messages that relate to your overall objectives
  • resources for budgets and the staff you have available
  • the communication methods, including feature placement, photo opportunities, drafting news releases, and journalist briefings
  • timescales and deadlines
  • how the campaign will be evaluated to measure its success.

Last updated: 31 August 2021

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