How to do effective knowledge exchange - ESRC



Activities designed to enable knowledge exchange work best when they are designed with particular objectives in mind. Selecting knowledge exchange activities purposefully works better than using approaches just because they have been used before or because you feel more comfortable with them.

If you are just starting out, you will be trying to attract interest, support and possible collaboration. You will want to tell people succinctly what your research is about and why it may be useful to them. At a later stage, when you come to share your results, you will again need to think about your various stakeholders and the key messages that will be of interest to them.

If you have collaborated on the research or intend to do so, your partners, colleagues and networks will also be able to help identify other interested people.

It is also worthwhile considering where funding opportunities can support additional knowledge exchange and impact generation.

Last updated: 27 January 2022

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