Peer Review College - ESRC


How to join

The college membership is reviewed periodically to address any imbalances and to replace members who have left the college.

There are several routes to becoming a college member:

  • self-nomination: a self-nomination form to join the College can be completed online. Self-nominations will be assessed quarterly and new members will be notified accordingly in due course.
  • invitation: recipients of Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) grants and fellowships (apart from postdoctoral fellowships) will be invited to join our college
  • recruitment: we may periodically announce calls for members to fill gaps in the membership portfolio
  • ESRC nomination: those with a recent track record of reviewing, either through frequently being a nominated reviewer, or consistently writing reviews judged as appropriate and helpful at panel
  • industrial partner nomination: we encourage our industrial partners to proactively nominate members from organisations using research in industry, public sector and third sector
  • international partner nomination: we encourage our international partners to proactively nominate members including via UKRI international offices

Once you are appointed to the college, you can opt out at any time. College members can also notify us of any career breaks or changes in situation that may prevent you from reviewing or serving on our panels.

To contact us, please email:

College members assessment criteria

When nominations are made, ESRC will assess each applicant.

We are currently reviewing our assessment criteria, which will be published on this page.

Last updated: 14 March 2024

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