ESRC large grants, centres and institutes funding - ESRC


ESRC large grants

ESRC large grants carry out ambitious social science-focused research with the potential to generate significant economic or societal impact.

Large grants range in value between £1 million and £2.5 million at full economic cost for up to 5 years. ESRC funds 80% of full economic cost.

ESRC large grants:

  • undertake a programme of ambitious and novel research
  • show strong commitment for the career development of researchers (particularly at early-career stage)
  • make significant contributions to scientific and economic or social impact
  • involve potential users of research and include a clear strategy for creating impact that improves outcomes for individuals, society and the economy
  • drive interdisciplinary research within and beyond the social sciences
  • take advantage of international collaborative or comparative opportunities

Last updated: 13 October 2022

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