Types of funding we offer - ESRC

We provide a range of funding, covering smaller awards to support early career researchers and larger research awards enabling both individuals and larger teams to access funding through our responsive research grants and centres competitions.

We also provide funding for postgraduate training and fellowships. Our funding also supports UK data and infrastructure and methodological developments.

Find our latest funding opportunities.

Responsive research funding

We support responsive research which is researcher-driven and can cover any relevant ESRC topic or theme as long as it falls within ESRC’s remit. Within these funding opportunities we currently have a highlight for applications in the area of artificial intelligence for social science. These calls have an open application date so researchers can apply at any time:

Large research investments

We fund research centres, groups, large grants and networks as part of our large research investments.

Learn more about funding for ESRC centres and institutes.

See our guidance for large research investments.

Postgraduate funding

We are the largest UK funding organisation for research and postgraduate training in the economic and social sciences, directed mostly through Doctoral Training Partnerships (DTPs) and Centres for Doctoral Training (CDTs).

Further information on postgraduate funding.

Last updated: 23 April 2024

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