Framework for research ethics - ESRC


When to contact ESRC

You must contact ESRC if a review by the research ethics committee (REC) shows that a project requires major changes which will alter it substantially and the project can no longer retain ESRC support. In such instances, payments may be suspended and the grant terminated (see Grant Condition RGC 5 of the grant terms and conditions)

You’ll also need to contact ESRC if the REC withdraws its support following ongoing review and monitoring and recommends that the research is suspended or discontinued. We reserve the right to recoup grant funding in extreme cases of ethics and research misconduct, pending further investigation.

You must tell us if an ethics review is required at a later stage in the project to agree funding arrangements. On such occasions, we may amend the grant’s payment profile (see Grant Condition RGC 3 and RGC 23 of the grant terms and conditions).

You must also tell us if allegations of research misconduct are raised against individuals funded or engaged with ESRC. The ESRC should be notified at the stage when a decision is made to undertake an informal inquiry; not as previously at the later stage of deciding to undertake a formal investigation. (see preventing harm in research).

Contact for more information


Last updated: 17 August 2021

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